How we measure our performance

Our Council Plan for 2021 to 2024 sets out what we aim to achieve over three years. Our plan gives us a clear direction to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and build our borough back better and fairer. It focuses on how we collectively deliver our services across the council to best support residents, communities, partners and business. It explains what we want to do, how we plan to do it, and how we'll measure whether we're on track to achieve it.

The Council Plan has been developed by the work that has taken place for the Barnsley 2030 project.  This has been  through a series of activities with residents, businesses, employees and other key stakeholders across the borough.  It helps to build a picture of what Barnsley is like now and want it to be like by 2030. 

Our priorities

We have five new priorities which are supported by 12 outcomes. In addition, 63 critical success factors (key performance indicators) have been aligned to the outcomes to allow us to assess out performance against each outcome.

  • Healthy BarnsleyPeople can access all the care and support they need, at the right time and in the right place.
  • Learning BarnsleyThe opportunities available for young and adult learners mean that everyone can fulfil their learning potential. Helping them build the skills they need to get into work and progress their careers.
  • Growing BarnsleyBarnsley is an inclusive place where everyone can find suitable employment, live in a high quality home that's right for them. Be able to access the fast and affordable digital resources they need.
  • Sustainable BarnsleyProtecting our borough for future generations.
  • Enabling Barnsley - Our priority to ensure that our council is modern, inclusive, efficient, productive and high-performing.

Quarter 4 performance

Our dashboard provides a detailed review of each of our critical success factors including a red, amber and green(RAG) rating. This RAG rating is applied to each of our critical success factors(CSF). This tracks our progress to achieving our vision of Barnsley, the place of possibilities.

Each CSF falls under one of our 12 outcomes, which in turn feeds into one of our 5 priorities (Healthy, Learning, Growing, Sustainable and Enabling Barnsley).

We track the progress of each CSF over the year and report on them on a quarterly basis where applicable. We also provide commentary on the progress of each indicator.

Reviewing the Dashboard Link will help to provide context on where we're achieving our targets, and where there are areas for improvement.

40 critical success factors were reported in quarter 4. 21 were RAG rated green, 10 were amber and 9 were red. There are no significant fluctuations to report within priorities at the end of quarter 4 compared to the previous quarter. Red RAG indicators were distributed across all of the 5 priorities. However, the highest percentage red and amber indicators were in the Sustainable Barnsley priority.