Electric vehicles

The government has said it will end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2035. This is to reduce air pollution and CO2 emissions. It means people will only be able to buy electric or hydrogen cars and vans.

Electric cars and vans help with cutting air pollution and CO2 emissions from road transport. They also help cut noise pollution as they're quieter to run.

What we're doing to promote electric vehicles

Electric vehicle charging points are available at a number of car parks across the borough. We plan to introduce more soon. You can see where the charging points are in Barnsley by using Zapmap. You can also find the locations and more details on our electric vehicle charging page.

We ask some developers to provide electric car charging points when they apply to the council forĀ planning permission for new developments.

We've also introduced a new fleet of hybrid vehicles to use for our large item collection service. This service allows residents to recycle their unwanted household goods and reduces fly-tipping. Using hybrid vehicles for the service will help us to reduce our carbon emissions.

Electric bikes

We have over 30 e-bikes for loan at Barnsley Bike Works.