Youth Council
Current projects
Find out more about the campaigns we've been working on below.
If you want to get involved, please get in touch.
The 4T’s project
This is an ongoing project within our environment campaign. We maintain the site along with volunteers and services. Youth councillors and young people from our groups regularly go to litter pick, prune, weed, plant bulbs, create habitats and feeders here. We secured funding from the local ward alliance and from Barnsley Better Bond for two accessible benches for the site. One has been installed already and one is due to be installed soon.

2030 Board
As a Youth Council we've been involved in the 2030 board which is about the ambition and plan for Barnsley for 2030. We've been promoting young people and their voices to be heard and looking at their plans to the future.
Young People Leading the Way with South Yorkshire Police
The Young People Leading the Way session, has been created by Youth Councillors and all our youth voice groups. It looks at raising police officers awareness around SEND. Also helping their knowledge of young people in care and how this may impact their view of the police. The youth voice groups created the session through consultation with their peers, including creating an example sensory bag. So far they've delivered this to two groups of police officers.
A.I.D training for local Authoritative figures
The A.I.D training stemmed from the 'Young People Leading the Way' session. It's been created by youth councillors and all our youth voice groups. It looks at improving relations between young people and local authoritative figures such as town wardens, glass works security and the interchange team. The youth voice groups created the session through consultation with their peers.
Commitment to tackling bullying and harassment of young people in Barnsley - a partnership approach
Youth councillors and all our youth voice groups have been working to promote the commitment to tackling bullying and harassment of young people. This is part of the promotion that the youth voice have been working together with their peers to create a check and challenge process. It will measure how well our schools are managing bullying.
How we work
Youth councillors meet together in committees, to discuss and work on campaigns and to run the Youth Council.
We have four committee's which take turns throughout the month and run on set Mondays:
- Health and wellbeing
- Education and learning
- Environment
- Jobs, money, homes and opportunities
To find out more about the work that youth councillors do, contact the youth voice team. You can also talk to a youth councillor at a school near you.
Youth Council enquiry
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