Youth Council
Make Your Mark campaigns
The Youth Council vote annually on what Make Your Mark campaigns they'll focus on.
This year the youth council are focusing on the following projects:
Jobs, homes, money and opportunities
This campaign came from the 2022 Make Your Mark ballot. Young people voted this as one of their top three issues locally and nationally. As a Youth Council we're campaigning to improve the quality of careers advice. We'd also like to increase the prospects for work skills for all young people.
- Work with the regional groups on growing careers links
- Continue to develop our links with TIAG to create a CV writing skills aids for young people
- Work together with TIAG to improve resources around employment resources for young people
Health and wellbeing
This campaign includes several Make Your Mark issues that have been voted for in previous years by young people. It has been voted as a national and local issue for young people in the 2022 ballot.
We continue to develop work alongside Chilypep around Mental Health services and CAMHS. We're looking at how these services can be improved, especially around access and waiting times.
After speaking with Barnsley's young people, we're focusing our campaigns around #EndPeriodPoverty and #EndPeriodStigma.
- Develop stronger links between Barnsley services so they are more connected
- Continue to be involved in the growth and scrutiny of services
- Lobby the government to support the #FundtheHubs campaign
- Develop more awareness of where young people can access free sanitary products. Also look at working with places to be more discrete in how they offer them
Protecting the environment
In 2020, Barnsley Youth Council formed a campaign committee to focus on protecting our area. We created an education pack on climate change which was released July 2021. We've also been working in the Urban Tree Fund Project named The Terrific Tree Task. This is where we've turned an unused section of land in Pogmoor into a garden where wildlife can thrive. So far there are over 400 trees planted, some of which are now bearing fruit. There is also now an accessible bench on site which young people secure funding for. We work alongside Barnsley Council in several forums. This supports and provides a voice for young people into their sustainable visions.
- Continue to develop The 4T’s site
- Work with Barnsley Council on green plans
- Develop regional work through RYCA
Education and learning
Education and learning has been voted as a Make Your Mark campaign issue.
Youth councillors and all our youth voice groups are constantly improving the link between student voice within schools and work Youth Councillors do locally, regionally, and nationally. We're looking at how this all interlinks and has a wider impact. This feeds into the school councils and leadership teams.
- Create a strong link between school councils/leadership teams and the Youth Council
- Make sure all young people have a chance to share what matters to them
Community safety and discrimination
This campaign came from the 2019 Make Your Mark ballot where young people voted for community safety. The Youth Council continue to work hard to promote Safer Places. They're great place to go if you feel worried. They're also ideal if you need somewhere to make a call if you feel unsafe.
- Develop and deliver the joint training package with South Yorkshire Police (SYP)
- Continue to work with the Safer Partnership Team
- Promote Safer Places
The Barnsley Transport Youth campaign is looking at improving reliability, access and cost. We'd like to see creative solutions to tackle the decrease in passenger numbers.
We've taken part in discussions on young people’s passes and issues around reliability, access and cost. This fed into the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) COVID recovery plan for young people.
We've also held a South Yorkshire Sustainable Transport Summit. Key transport decision makers attended to look at how costs for young people could be kept low.
- Continue to promote the Zoom Beyond pass which has been a success of the youth voice
- Further promote active travel
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