Advertising on our website

We work to identify and develop opportunities to generate additional income for us, which we use to support the delivery of key services.

As part of this, we work with the Council Advertising Network (CAN) to run an advertising service tailored for public sector organisations. Please read the CAN privacy policy which includes cookie details and how to opt out.

They enable us to create new revenue streams from advertising placed on our website, and allow us to manage and monitor the adverts without the burden of managing the infrastructure or selling advertising space. 

Advertising campaigns

The advertising campaigns that appear on our website haven't been directly selected by us, but we do have an advertising policy in place that strictly prohibits certain types of advertisement.

By promoting adverts on our website, we're not in any way endorsing or recommending the advertisers' products or services, or any company or organisation. 

Similarly, we don't accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or for any consequences arising when visiting third party websites from the advertising links on our site.

Advertising policy

As part of our long term goal of reducing costs, we've permitted the use of controlled advertising on our website:

Income generated from advertising on the site will be used to subsidise the site’s general upkeep and development.

Why we offer advertising on our website

Advertising is offered on our website:

  • to channel national advertising campaign spends into us which can then be re-invested in improving our website and the range of services offered through it
  • to offer a powerful marketing tool for local businesses and the local economy
  • to offer a communication and engagement channel for local public and third sector organisations

We use the Council Advertising Network (CAN) to deliver advertising across our website(s) and intranet. The Council Advertising Network is a network of local authorities generating revenue from appropriately sourced advertising across their digital estates.

If you're looking to place advertisements on our websites and would like more information then please email

General principles

The placement of advertisements within the site will be coordinated to ensure that adverts don't compromise the prime purpose and functionality of the website.

We've approved categories of advertising that are acceptable for placement on the website. We reserve the right to refuse to promote or to remove any individual advertisement, which, in our opinion, is considered inappropriate.

All adverts must adhere to the codes of conduct laid down by the Advertising Standards Authority and must not conflict with our aims and priorities. The Advertising Standards Authority's Code includes provisions that marketing communications:

  • must be legal, decent, honest and truthful
  • must not bring advertising into disrepute, in addition must not bring the council into disrepute.
  • must conform to the code
  • must respect the principles of fair competition
  • advertising will also be subject to the Code of Practice on Local Government Publicity and the requirements of the Financial Services Authority

In addition to the categories listed immediately below, there may also be some specific controls and policies associated with individual placements. These are listed on separate departmental guidelines which are available on request.

Specific categories of organisations, products or services may not advertise or be advertised on our website are as follows:

Types of organisations:

  • political organisations
  • lobby groups
  • manufacturers and distributors of tobacco products
  • manufacturers and distributors of alcohol
  • payday lenders


  • tobacco
  • alcohol
  • pornography and adult content
  • gambling and betting services
  • fast food that is considered unhealthy
  • payday loans


Whilst every effort has been made to make sure the accuracy of the content of the advertisements contained in this publication, we can't accept any liability for errors or omissions contained in any of the advertisements provided by an advertiser. We do not accept any liability for any information or claims made by the advertisement or by the advertisers. Any inclusion of the Barnsley Council name on a publication should not be taken as an endorsement by us.

Behavioural targeting, cookies and privacy

What are cookies and why we use them

Cookies are small text files which identify your computer to our server. They're widely used on the internet to make websites work, or work more efficiently. We send these to your computer for the following reasons:

  • to tailor the website to your browser
  • to help us analyse the use of the website
  • to allow applications on our website to work correctly - for example, making sure that we know when you've logged on or off and which part of an application you are accessing

We will not use cookies to store any personally identifiable information about you. We'll not make any attempt to find out the identities of people visiting our website without their prior permission.

If we want to collect personally identifiable information through our website – for example when you request a service from us - we'll tell you beforehand. We'll make it clear when we collect this information and will explain what we intend to do with it.

Tell us what you think

We monitor the advertisements on our site, and how they affect our residents' and customers’ experience. If you want to give your views about advertising on our website, email