Update your taxi licence details

If you have a taxi driver, private hire operator, hackney carriage or private hire vehicle licence, you need to tell us about any changes to your details or circumstances, such as if you:

  • change your name or address
  • change your vehicle's registration number
  • have a new enhanced DBS check certificate (as your existing one is due to expire)
  • have a new medical clearance document (as your existing clearance is due to expire)
  • need to provide a new MOT test certificate for your vehicle
  • need to update your motor insurance details
  • need to transfer a vehicle licence from a previous owner to yourself
  • need to report an offence (eg receiving penalty points, attending a speed awareness course, etc)

After submitting your form we'll update the details we hold for you.

If the change you've reported means we need to issue you with a new licence, we'll email this to you. If the change you've reported means we need to issue you with a new badge or vehicle plate, you'll usually receive these within 10 working days.

You'll need to destroy your old licence, badge or plate if you receive replacement ones.