Supporting documents
The following gives details about some of the documents and evidence you need to submit with your premises licence application.
Operating schedule
The operating schedule sets out various details on how a premises is proposed to operate when carrying on licensable activities. It must contain:
- details of the licensable activities to be carried out
- the proposed hours that the activities are to take place
- the name and address of the designated premises supervisor (DPS) (if the activities include the retail sale of alcohol)
- whether supplies of alcohol are for consumption on and/or off the premises (if applicable)
- a statement of the steps proposed to promote the licensing objectives
- details of the period the licence is for (if for a limited period)
If an application to vary a premises licence is granted, the operating schedule will be incorporated into the licence. It sets out the permitted activities and any limitations.
Plan of the premises
A premises plan must be of the standard scale 1mm = 100mm (unless previously agreed by us in another format). We prefer that plans are not larger than A3 in size.
The premises plan needs to show the location of:
- the extent of the boundary of the building (if relevant).
- any external and internal walls which comprise the premises, or in which it is comprised.
- points of access and egress.
- escape routes, if different from the points of access and egress.
- areas within the premises used for each activity. (This is in cases where the premises is to be used for more than one licensable activity.)
- fixed structures (including furniture) or similar objects temporarily in a fixed location (but not furniture) which may impact on the ability of individuals on the premises to use exits or escape routes without impediment.
- any stage or raised area and their height relative to the floor (if relevant).
- any rooms containing public conveniences.
- any fire safety/other safety equipment and its type (including for marine safety, if relevant).
- any kitchen.
- alcohol storage (if relevant).
The plan may include a key/legend which shows these locations using clear symbols and/or colours.
Statement of Licensing Policy
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, acting as a licensing authority, have a statutory duty to review its Statement of Licensing Policy at least once every five years.
The statement sets out the principles that the licensing authority proposes to apply when exercising its functions under the Licensing Act 2003.
All applicants should read the Statement of Licensing Policy before making an application to the Council.
Definition of terms
The following are terms used in premises licence applications.
Responsible authorities
Responsible authorities are public bodies that must be notified of premises licence applications. They can then make representations to us about the application. Any representations made by them are relevant if they concern an effect on the licensing objectives.
If you apply online for a licence, we'll serve copies on all the responsible authorities for you. We'll do this within one working day.
If you apply by post, you must also post a copy to each of the responsible authorities. Your application isn't valid until you've done this.
Regulated entertainment
Under the Licensing Act 2003 this is defined as:
- a performance of a play
- an exhibition of a film
- an indoor sporting event
- a boxing or wrestling entertainment (indoor and outdoor)
- a performance of live music
- any playing of recorded music
- a performance of dance
- entertainment of a similar description to that falling within the:
- performance of live music
- playing of recorded music
- performance of dance
This is where the entertainment takes place in the presence of an audience and is provided, at least partly, to entertain that audience.
Late night refreshment
Late night refreshment means the supply of hot food or hot drink to the public, for consumption on or off the premises, between 11pm and 5am. This includes the supply of hot food or hot drink to any persons between those hours on or from premises to which the public has access.
Mandatory conditions
Premises licence mandatory conditions are those that will be shown on the licence as well as those volunteered in the operating schedule or imposed at a hearing.
For more information
Call us on 01226 773555 or