The Gambling Act 2005 changed the law on gambling. It covers three types of licence:
- operating licences
- personal licences
- premises licences
The Act contains three licensing aims:
- Stop gambling from being a source of crime or disorder. This includes being linked with crime or disorder, or being used to support crime.
- Make sure that gambling happens in a fair and open way.
- Protect children and other vulnerable people from being harmed or exploited by gambling.
Find out about the various Gambling Act 2005 fees.
The Gambling Commission
The Gambling Commission carries out the role which used to be done by the Gaming Board. This includes regulating gaming and certain lotteries.
The commission grants operating and personal licences for commercial gambling and people working in the industry. It also regulates certain lottery managers and promoters. If you'd like to know more please visit the Gambling Commission website.
The role of the council
The Gambling Act 2005 gives local councils a number of important roles related to gambling. The main ones are:
- Licence premises for gambling - casino, bingo and betting premises. This includes tracks, adult gaming centres and family entertainment centres).
- Look at notices given for the temporary use of premises for gambling.
- Grant permits for gaming and gaming machines in clubs and miners' welfare institutes.
- Regulate gaming and gaming machines in alcohol licensed premises.
- Grant permits to family entertainment centres for the use of certain lower stake gaming machines.
- Grant permits for prize gaming.
- Look at occasional use notices for betting at tracks.
- Register small societies lotteries.
Only people who hold, or have applied for, an operating licence from the Gambling Commission may apply to us for a premises licence. The exception is the case of tracks.
If you have any queries regarding the Gambling Act 2005 please contact us.
Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Policy
We, acting as a licensing authority, have a statutory duty to publish a Statement of Gambling policy at regular intervals.
We've produced our Statement of Gambling policy which was approved by council on the 30 March 2023. It will take effect on 1 June 2023.
For more information
Call us on 01226 773555 or