Buskers and street performers

If you're a busker or street performer, you don't need a licence to perform in the Barnsley borough unless you're performing for a charity. If you're a large group you might also want to book an event space on a high street for your performance.

All buskers and street performers must follow our code of conduct and consider the needs of others nearby.

Code of conduct

  • Children under the age of 14 aren't allowed to busk. We recommend young people under the age of 16 are accompanied by an adult.

  • Specific zones in the town centre are allocated for busking, except when pre-booked events or activities are taking place. The following areas allow one busker per zone and we recommend a 100m gap between performers:
    • Zone 1 – Cheapside
    • Zone 2 – Queen Street
    • Zone 3 – May Day Green
    • Zone 4 – Peel Square
    • Zone 5 – Market Street
    • Zone 6 – Albert Street

  • When choosing your pitch, avoid blocking access to shops, offices, residences and fire escapes. You also need to avoid other amenities, such as cash machines and phone boxes.

  • Be respectful to street traders including vendors of The Big Issue. We recommend at least a 20m gap.

  • You're responsible for making sure your presence doesn't cause an obstruction of the highway including:
    • the gathering of crowds
    • prevention any trip hazards from your equipment (including the placing of donation hats or buckets)

  • Don't perform for longer than three hours in the same place. This is to respect residents, workers and other users of the high street.

  • We don't encourage amplification as this often generates complaints. You should keep noise levels throughout your performance at a reasonable level to avoid being asked to lower the volume or sotp performing altogether.

  • You should have a varied repertoire so as not to cause undue nuisance to residents, retailers, or any other users.

  • You must ensure your performances aren't delivered in a manner which is dangerous to yourself or anyone else.

  • Barnsley is a family friendly borough, so your actions, appearance, dress, lyrics, script, or props must not be of a nature that could cause offence or alarm to other users of the high street.

  • Whilst members of the public may wish to contribute for enjoyable performances, you must not actively solicit monetary contributions, including displaying signs or the passing around of a hat.

  • You must take care to protect your own equipment and/or any contributions gained.

  • The selling of any merchandise (including CDs) is not permitted.

  • You must comply immediately to any request made by the Town Centre Wardens, South Yorkshire Police, or any officer of Barnsley Council. This may involve lowering the volume, moving locations or stopping performing altogether.

Report a problem with a busker or street performer

If you have a problem with a busker or street performer, please speak to them first to try and resolve this. If the problem continues, you can report this to us.