
All our libraries are cashless. Any fees and charges will be added to your library account and can be paid online.

You can make a payment towards your library charges online. Please make sure that you add your membership number as in the library card reference box. The minimum card payment for this service is £5.

If you prefer to pay in person, we do have a card machine at the Library @ the Lightbox only.

You can avoid charges for a replacement copy of an overdue book if the item is returned. Damaged or lost items will incur a charge to allow us to replace it.

You may lose your ability to borrow items if you have too many charges on your library account.


Requests Charge (per item)
In stock
Not in stock
80p / 30p concessions, over 60's and Barnsley Leisure Card holders
From another UK library
From the British Lending Library
Lost or damaged books
Full replacement cost


Photocopy Charge
A4 - black and white or colour Free for personal use
A3 - black and white or colour (available at selected libraries only) Free for personal use


Printing Charge
A4 - black and white or colour Free for personal use
A3 - black and white or colour (available at selected libraries only) Free for personal use

Room hire

Find out about booking a room in a library.