
Core purpose and key functions

The core purpose and key functions of the Regeneration and Culture business unit is to foster a growing, sustainable and more inclusive economy, including reduced health inequalities.

The business unit is made up of the following services and teams/functions, with an embedded Public Health officer working across Regeneration and Culture to ensure the work of the business unit is addressing health inequalities.

Culture and visitor economy

  • Strategy and policy/cultural strategy/creative health
  • Leadership of culture and heritage sector in borough
  • Delivery of museums and archives
  • Arts and cultural development
  • Cultural education
  • Visitor economy and destination marketing
  • Events and festivals

Economic development

Employment and skills

  • Strategy and policy
  • Learning/skills provision and partnerships
  • Pathways to Work Commission
  • Employability support (young people and adults)
  • Health and wellbeing at work
  • Compliance funding and performance

Planning policy and building control

Property and assets

  • Asset Management Strategy implementation
  • Facilities management
  • Estates management
  • The Glass Works centre management
  • Alhambra centre management and development (Health and Wellbeing Hub)

Strategic housing

  • Housing Strategy development and delivery
  • Berneslai Homes contract management
  • Retrofit/zero carbon for housing assets (cross-tenure)
  • Healthy homes
  • Future of council housing investment programme


Key priorities for 2024/25

Barnsley 2030 - Growing Barnsley

Economic development

  • Delivery of economic growth corridors projects (M1 J36 and M1 J37), Goldthorpe Town Investment Plan, The Seam digital campus, long term plan for towns, Youth Zone, principal towns programme management and contributing to and leading the Health on the High Street project.
  • Development of district markets.
  • Horizon scanning and development of business cases to secure further external regeneration funding, and development of the Inclusive Economic Growth Strategy.
  • Secure the future of Enterprising Barnsley business growth team and programmes to support businesses to innovate and grow, attract new businesses to the borough.
  • Support our businesses to ensure their workforce are healthy and productive.
  • Develop an Invest in Barnsley offer to support inward investment into the borough.
  • Deliver the Superfast South Yorkshire programme for digital infrastructure.

Employment and skills

  • Grow a local talent pool to support business growth through personalised information, advice and guidance, skills, and qualifications.
  • Engage employers through a refreshed Employer Charter that seeks to describe the skills and attributes that a responsible and ethical employer requires from staff and creates new opportunities for young people and adults to get ready for, get in to and progress in work.
  • Support the development of better jobs through the delivery of workplace health support.
  • Lead the development of Pathways to Work report and implementation of recommendations.


  • Continue to use our planning and development functions to support the delivery of the Local Plan, jobs and housing growth by meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs by balancing growth, the environment and cultural factors.

Building control

  • Continuing to ensure buildings are constructed in accordance with building regulations and are safe, inclusive environments for people to live and work in.

Managing our assets

  • Phase one of delivery of our Asset Management Plan for all council assets to drive economic, cultural, environmental and social value and achieve savings and efficiencies for the council.

Culture and visitor economy

  • Develop the cultural sector in the borough.
  • Ensure legacy from the HAZ for Eldon Street.
  • Maintain visitor numbers to all our visitor and cultural attractions, increase cultural participation/engagement and develop our tourism sector.
  • Develop a strategic framework to grow visitor economy in borough in partnership with Yorkshire local authorities and agencies.
  • Deliver CDF and progress the Elsecar masterplan.

Strategic housing

  • Enabling the delivery of sustainable housing growth to meet need including the delivery of the Future of Council Housing Investment Programme, increasing the quantum of quality council housing stock within the borough.

Barnsley 2030 - Sustainable Barnsley

Zero carbon

  • Embedding sustainability into the council’s asset management and ensuring energy-efficiency measures to our buildings and assets.
  • Ensuring all our council housing stock achieves EPC C by 2030, working collaboratively with SYMCA and partners to develop a retrofit strategy which enables neighbourhood cross-tenure retrofit.
  • To contribute to the development of the council’s wider Sustainability Strategy. Working with all partners and stakeholders and continuing to engage with the Positive Climate Partnership, our main conduit for collaboration and delivery of Zero 2045 for the borough.
  • To contribute to the development of our Local Nature Recovery Strategy for the borough in collaboration with SYMCA. To provide a minimum of biodiversity net gain across all development.

Barnsley 2030 - Healthy Barnsley

A good home

  • Deliver against the Housing Strategy and action plan for the borough to ensure everyone in Barnsley has a healthy home (with Berneslai Homes, private rented sector, registered providers and developers).
  • Continue to consolidate the intelligent clienting relationship with Berneslai Homes.  

Employment and skills

  • Higher healthy life expectancy is strongly correlated with wellbeing, higher skills, and employment rates, particularly for men. On average, for every 10 percentage points higher the employment rate, healthy life expectancy is around five years higher.
  • Support young people and adults to develop the skills and resilience to find and maintain productive employment opportunities which is essential for achieving poverty reduction and sustainable economic and social development.

Culture, health and wellbeing

  • In partnership with the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance deliver a programme of activity in this area, working across the cultural sector in the borough and with our public health teams to hardwire culture into our health and wellbeing work, the work of the ICS and develop system leadership in this area.

Health on the High Street

  • Asset management and development of town centre and community-based hubs that support an integrated approach to health and wellbeing.

Barnsley 2030 - Learning Barnsley

Employment and skills

  • Deliver the More and Better Jobs Strategy with our partners.
  • Lead the Pathways to Work Commission and development of report and implementation of recommendations.
  • Ensure young people receive good careers guidance to reduce the numbers who are NEET.
  • Support volunteering and participation in our communities to develop an inclusive economy.
  • Deliver adult community education in our communities, with a focus on those who are unemployed, economically inactive, or low skilled.
  • Develop sector specific skills pathways to support businesses to recruit a suitable workforce from the local population.
  • Secure the future of our employment support teams to ensure residents can get ready for, get into and progress in work.

Cultural learning and community enrichment

  • Develop and deliver a cultural strategy for the borough to further improve and broaden sustainable community enrichment programmes in all our communities, schools and neighbourhoods. In partnership with Children’s Services, using our cultural and learning assets (people, hubs, programmes) for those where need and potential impact is greatest.
  • Using Fusion Cultural Education Partnership as a means of delivering the above, strengthening links with the borough’s education sector, improving skills development and embedding youth voice to ensure every child has access to high quality cultural education.



Enabling Barnsley

Recruitment and retention

  • Invest time in effective recruitment to ensure we get the best possible people in the right place.
  • Support effective line management and coaching of staff, to develop leaders at every level working with our People Strategy.
  • Invest in training and development of our staff.
  • Improve service delivery through recruitment to vacant posts and retention of key resources.
  • Invest in the council's enabling functions, to drive efficiency, productivity and performance of council services.


  • To support the health and wellbeing of our workforce through effective line management to support managing workloads, regular communication with teams and individuals, business unit and social check-ins with teams.
  • Ensure all staff have the right information and support to manage their health and wellbeing and additional support where needed and are signposted to corporate support, including the employee assistance programme where it will be of benefit.
  • Work to influence the quality of the employee experience of all our colleagues in the business unit.


  • Work closely with our Communications team to build a strong story about Barnsley as a place to live, work, learn and invest.
  • Grow a network of ambassadors to promote Barnsley and to develop narratives that bring together employment and housing growth with sustainability and our being a green borough.
  • Utilise high profile events, exhibitions, and cultural activities to raise the profile and change perceptions of the borough as well as attracting people and visitors into the borough for work, leisure and cultural engagement.
  • Develop communication plans for key work areas and campaigns for Regeneration and Culture.

Collaborative working

  • Champion a 'one council' approach to collaborating across different directorates, services and business units to deliver better services and outcomes for residents and communities, through:
    • Public Health embedded impact model
    • Collaborative pilot creative enrichment model
    • Community, cultural and civic hubs