
Supporting our council priorities

The Growth and Sustainability Directorate includes our Regeneration and Culture and Environment and Transport services. You can read about the key areas where the directorate supports our council and place Barnsley 2030 priorities below.

Barnsley 2030 - Growing Barnsley


In partnership with developers and the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) we're investing in Barnsley and creating development opportunities that will enhance the borough's employment aspirations.

Find out about regeneration in Barnsley.

The Glass Works and Barnsley town centre 

The Glass Works is a cornerstone development at the heart of Barnsley town centre. Our investment into the town centre has transformed the offer, delivering an exciting new retail, leisure and food and drink experience.

Our Local Plan 

Our Local Plan sets out how the council will manage the borough's development; providing land in the right places to secure better jobs, quality housing and better transport links for residents. Located between the M1, M62 and A1, we're sitting in a prime position to attract investment. 

Principal towns and local centres 

Barnsley has six principal towns and ten local centres. Principal towns and local centres is a multi-million pounds investment project that improves local economies around the borough and helps our high streets thrive. We've already invested £5 million, with another £30 million planned over the coming years.

 Sustainable, quality housing 

Our borough will have sustainable, quality housing so that people can live in the right house for them. Our housing strategy seeks to balance our housing market, providing fair access to quality, sustainable private and council housing. 

Enterprising Barnsley 

Supporting businesses is more important than ever. Our council-funded support service, Enterprising Barnsley, supports Barnsley-based businesses growth plans by offering a wide range of services to businesses that are looking to start up, expand, invest and relocate.

Barnsley 2030 - Sustainable Barnsley

Reducing carbon emissions

We declared a climate emergency in September 2019 with an ambitious and realistic vision for the borough to become net zero carbon by 2045 (Zero 45) and as an organisation to lead by example to become net-zero carbon by 2040 (Zero 40).

Driven by our Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP), we aim to reduce Barnsley's carbon emissions to help limit the effects of climate change.

Find out more about reducing our carbon emissions.

Future-focused highways programme 

A total of £17 million investment is being made in Barnsley’s roads and active travel initiatives across the borough. It supports our journey to achieve carbon net-zero by 2040 by implementing schemes that reduce the carbon footprint and use recycled material. 

Waste and recycling management 

The BDR Waste Partnership was set up more than two decades ago to jointly manage waste generated in the three boroughs of Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham. It sets out our joint priorities to deliver quality waste and recycling services across South Yorkshire.

Barnsley 2030 - Healthy Barnsley

Culture and visitor economy 

Our creativity and our imagination provide cultural experiences which appeal to 21st century visitors faced with an almost infinite choice of how to spend their leisure time.

The council-managed, award winning Barnsley Museum sites, along with exhibitions, events, green and heritage assets bring visitors into the borough and make a positive impact on resident’s lives, improving health, opportunity and aspiration, and also enhances civic pride.

Parks and green spaces 

Our abundance of outdoor space gives people the best possible chance of enjoying life in good physical and mental health. Working alongside an active volunteering community, we manage, maintain and promote parks, local wildlife sites, nature reserves, fishing ponds, and 450 miles (750km) of public rights of way, including footpaths, bridleways, and byways.

Find out about our parks and green spaces.

Active travel 

Our Active Travel Strategy supports plans to make active travel a preferred choice, supported by a connected network of high quality, safe and inviting cycle routes and footpaths for all people to use.

Find out about active travel.

Barnsley’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy 

Barnsley’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets our vision for a healthy Barnsley and is underpinned by a series of ambitions across the life course that we hope to achieve from pre-birth through to end of life.

It has a focus on reducing health inequalities within the borough by focussing on the wider determinants of health (such as housing, employment and education) to give everybody in Barnsley a fair opportunity to live a healthy life.

Barnsley 2030 - Learning Barnsley

Investment in employment and skills 

Barnsley is a place that fosters and grows ambition, enabling everyone to be the best they can be. Our More and Better Jobs Strategy is focuses on thinking ahead and investing in building skills, with learning opportunities reflecting the modern and emerging areas of employment.