We re-joined the National Graduate Development Programme (now Impact) in 2019 and now take three graduates each year. This means you'll be in a group and have other graduates to support you and help you settle in.
All our previous graduates obtained jobs within the council, and some of them are still with us.
We've found all of our graduates invaluable. They've made a positive impact across all areas of the council.
Take a look at the videos below to hear some of our previous graduate's stories.
Projects our graduates were involved in
Whilst with us, you'll be involved in a range of projects and work with services across the council.
The work our cohorts 23/25/26 intake were involved in included the following:
Chief Executive's office
- work programme design
- funding reform Secretary of State lobbying
- COVID-19 inquiry
- Council of the Year
- peer reviews cabinet report
- 2024 corporate peer challenge - including logistics, steering group meetings, evidence bank, position statement, briefings/interviews, presentation and on-site visits
- Special Interest Group of Municipal Authorities (SIGOMA) – writing policy bulletins
- Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission
- Yorkshire Universities and Y-Pern
- writing formal letter of thanks to Duke of Edinburgh following town centre bridge naming
- drafting LGC award entries
- planning and minuting Barnsley 2030 Board meetings
- carrying out Barnsley 2030 Stock take
- attending and minuting SMT
- shadowing Sarah Norman - Chief Executive at South Yorkshire CExec meetings and cabinet briefing
- aspiring chief executives visit
- briefing the leader on CPC position (When EDI was with CEO)
- creation of a neurodiversity policy
- facilitating the creation of two staff networks
- updating the EDI Report and Plan
Children's Services
- special educational needs and disabilities information, advice and support service (SENDIASS) review
- Section 175 safeguarding audit
- leadership development sessions
- joint targeted area inspection support
- children's social care development plan - performance and data workstream support
- support the great childhoods ambition with guidance from the PM
- financial/commissioning review – supporting families
- childcare sufficiency report
- evidence collection and quality assurance for a SEND Ofsted inspection
Core Services
- business support review
- partnership governance arrangements
- red tape group support
- council plan- reviewing the metrics
- Adult social care SACE statutory return- analysis of the data collected, establishing trends etc
- procurement – translation and interpretation
Growth and Sustainability
- economic renewal action plan programme management
- Seam consultation
- Hilary Cottam visit
- climate adaptations plans
- town centre events – Halloween, Barnsley Bright Nights – planning, delivery and evaluation, Christmas markets
- royal visit
- council fleet efficiency project - included creating a business case for smart waste technology and reviewing what different providers could offer to enhance the councils fleet.
- hire fleet forecasting for the upcoming year.
- reviewing different fuel types/electric vehicles to reduce our CO2 emissions
- finding innovative solutions to modernise the workshop functions at Smithies Depot
Place Health and Adult Social Care
- draft Barnsley integrated health inequalities action plan
- Barnsley care conference
- health and care Barnsley virtual jobs fairs
- health education England recruitment funding bid
- full system review of services supporting people living with dementia and their carers (acting PM)
- present at a public engagement conference
- review and influence Barnsley Dementia Strategy
- review whether EDI is integrated into ASC functions
Public Health and Communities
- Director of Public Health annual report 2021
- teenage pregnancy work
- public health 0-19 communications - children and young people substance misuse health needs assessment
- homelessness strategy
- review of involvement across the council
Our graduates
Take a look at the videos below to hear our graduate's stories.
Hannah's story
George's story