
We’re committed to providing exceptional Adult Social Care support that enriches the lives of our community.

With around 44% of adults in Barnsley living with some form of chronic illness or disability, improving people’s health is fundamental to achieving our Healthy Barnsley vision.


Healthy Barnsley

Healthy Barnsley

Our Healthy Barnsley targets include improving healthy life expectancy and increasing physical activity, as well as reducing deprivation and child poverty.

Our residents will receive high quality and continually improving services in a joined-up way, accessing the right support at the right time.

We’re a high-performing service, ranked top nationally for people telling us that our support makes them feel safe and secure, and committed to changing lives and working with our communities.

What we're doing

We're co-producing our strategy for Adult Social Care, which will be key in guiding the next chapter of our award-winning Better Lives programme. This programme has already produced some of the best outcomes and highest user satisfaction rates in the country.

We’re continually improving the way we work and deliver care, placing the people we support at the heart of everything we do. We’re passionate about empowering people and helping our communities unlock their potential. That’s why our award-winning Supported Employment service is leading the way for creating inclusive workplaces across South Yorkshire, helping more people benefit from learning and employment.

Collaborating with our health and care partners, we’re bringing our Healthy Barnsley ambitions to life.


Health On The High Street

Health on the High Street

Our innovative Health on the High Street plans are a trailblazing initiative in Barnsley, bringing access to a range of health and wellbeing services into the heart of the town centre and increasing footfall on the high street.

Our ground-breaking Community Diagnostic Centre in The Glass Works shopping centre is delivering ultrasound, x-ray, breast screening, phlebotomy and bone density scans at a central, convenient location. Plans to extend this successful model have recently won significant backing from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and interest from NHS England and the government.

A new health and wellbeing hub located in the Alhambra Shopping Centre will expand the range of services and facilities available. For example, Barnsley Hospital is planning to move some of its outpatient services out of the hospital into the new hub. More than 100,000 visits a year could be made to the Alhambra instead of the hospital, reducing traffic and pressure on parking in the area around the hospital, while also bringing more visitors and economic benefit into the town centre.

Read more about Health on the High Street.


Pathways To Work Commission Report

Pathways to Work

Barnsley’s ground breaking Pathways to Work Commission report, launched by the DWP Cabinet Minister Liz Kendall, is creating exciting opportunities to pilot new approaches to helping those with health conditions into work.

The findings of the Pathways to Work Commission will help us break down the barriers people face, unlocking the talent and potential of our communities.

Read the Pathways to Work Commission Report.


Proud To Care Barnsley

Proud to Care

We’re committed to putting people at the heart of everything we do, and making sure everyone can access high-quality care and support when they need it.

To help us do this, we’re committed to creating a thriving, skilled workforce, powering a sustainable care market both now and in the future.

We’re showing what’s possible working in social care through our Proud to Care Hub. By working closely with Barnsley’s care providers and NHS South Yorkshire, we’re giving people the support they need to start a rewarding career in care.


More information

You can read more about Adult Social Care on our website, and about our high-performing services in our Local Account.

You can also find out what we want to achieve working with our health partners in the Barnsley Health and Care Plan.