
About the directorate

The Public Health and Communities Directorate works hard to improve the health and wellbeing of the Barnsley population. It has a key role in tackling health inequalities and improving and protecting health in Barnsley across the lifespan.

The teams offer advice on public health and influence strategy, commissioning and service development in health care, local government and other partners, commissioning health improvement and protection services.

The directorate consists of:

  • Public Health and Regulation
    • Health Protection and Health Care Public Health
    • Health Improvement
    • Children and Young People
    • Regulatory Services
    • Public Health Nursing Service

  • Strong, Safe and Healthy Communities
    • Stronger Communities Team
    • Healthier Communities Team
    • Safer Barnsley
    • Libraries

Public Health Nursing Service

To ensure continued provision of high-quality public health nursing services, we've chosen to assume direct responsibility for delivering the 0-19 Healthy Child Programme from within the Public Health and Communities Directorate.

Our unique position within the Public Health and Communities team supports us to work closely to achieve these ambitions. For example, we aim to:

  • reduce infant mortality
  • reduce smoking during pregnancy
  • achieve a good level of development at reception age
  • achieve dental hygiene from a young age
  • meet the needs of school pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs
  • support families with low income
  • provide safe sleep awareness to reduce the number of sudden infant death
  • tackle obesity
  • provide smoking and alcohol awareness in young adults.