Publication scheme

We're committed to being open and honest and we want to make information available about how we work, our decision making process and the services we offer.  

We have a publication scheme to give you easy access to information about how we do things. This can help you find the information you need without having to make a specific Freedom of Information (FOI) request under The Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Who we are and what we do 

This section deals with organisational information, location and contacts, constitutional and legal governance. 

Type Link
Council's constitution Council's constitution
Council democratic structure Council's decision making process
Council directorate structure How the council is organised
Currently elected councillor’s information, contact details and declaration of interests General information about councillors
Most recent election results Election results  
Barnsley Council services Barnsley Council services

A-Z of services 
Contact details for all customer facing departments Contacting the council 
Location and opening times of public council buildings/offices Public buildings and opening times  

What we spend and how we spend it 

This section deals with financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.  

Type Link
Financial statements, budgets and variance reports Council budgets

Expenditure over £500

Council statement of accounts 

Cabinet meetings 
The members allowances scheme and the allowances paid under it to councillors each year Members allowances scheme
Staff allowances and expenses Jobs
Pay and grading structure Pay policy 
Procurement procedures Procurement, tenders and contracts
Contracts register Procurement contract register
Internal financial regulations Terms of reference

What our priorities are and how we are doing

This section deals with strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews. 

Type Link
Annual reports Council performance
Council strategies, policies and plans  Key strategies and policies

Supporting strategies and policies
Impact assessments Joint strategic needs assessment

Equality, diversity and inclusion
Service standards  Standards for the way we work

How we make decisions

This section deals with policy proposals and decisions, decision making processes, consultations and records of decisions. 

Type Link
Timetable of council meetings  Calendar of meetings
Agendas, officers' reports, background papers and minutes of council meetings  Committee structure
Major policy proposals and decision making  Forward plan of key decisions
Public consultations  Consultations

Our policies and procedures

This section deals with written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities. 

Type Link
Policies and procedures for the conduct of council business Contract procedure rules


Library byelaws
Policies and procedures about the recruitment and employment of staff Jobs
Customer service Complaints, compliments and suggestions  
Data Protection Information and privacy

Request your own personal information
Freedom of Information Freedom of information requests and disclosure log 
Charging regimes and policies (fines, fees and charges) Adult social care - paying for your own support

Building control 

Council car parks and fees

Erecting structures above a road

Funerals and burials information 

Library fees and charges

Library room hire

Parking fines and enforcement

Permission to host events

Planning application fees

Premises license fees and charges

Private water supplies

Registrars fees

Residential care home charges

Residents parking permits


Roadworks licenses

Scaffolding and hoarding licensing

Scrap metal dealer licensing

Second hand goods dealer licensing 

Skip operators licensing 

Waste collections - large items 

Lists and registers 

This section deals with information held in registers, required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the council. 

Type Link
Planning applications register Planning Explorer
Street names and numbering Statutory register of street names and numbering 
Personal searches of the land charges register Land charges 
Register of electors Electoral register 
Register of births, deaths and marriages Barnsley registrars 
DPA register ICO register of data controllers 

The services we offer

This section deals with information about the services the council provides including leaflets, guidance and newsletters. 

Type Link
Regulatory and licensing responsibilities Food businesses

General licensing board


Trading standards
Services for members of the public


Adults Skills and Community Learning
Adult social care

Children, Young People and Families Trust 

Children in care

Children's social care

Child protection 

Complaints about schools

Family hubs

Family information service


How to get help - adult social care

Find a school in Barnsley 

Public Health 

Schools and education

School admissions and transfers

School attendance

School governors

School terms and holiday dates

Information for visitors to the area, leisure information, events, museums, libraries and archive collections Find a library

Museums and galleries

Visiting Barnsley
Newsletters Council publications 
Media releases News