Each health and wellbeing board in England has to produce a statement of need for medicine services in their area. This is called a pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA).
These services include the services you get from your chemist. They're an important part of the overall health care system and help to improve people’s health and wellbeing.
How the PNA is used
The NHS uses the PNA to help them decide where to open new pharmacies in our area. It helps to show where services are needed and limits having lots of the same services in one area.
The PNA also helps the council and the NHS make decisions. This includes those taken by the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board.
What's included in the PNA
- Details of local pharmacies and the type of services they provide.
- Other local pharmaceutical services, such as dispensing GP surgeries.
- Maps relating to providers of these services in the area.
- Services in other health and wellbeing board areas that might affect the need for services.
- Potential gaps in provision and likely future needs.
PNA document
You can read the Barnsley PNA 2022 to 2025 (PDF 1.8MB).
PNA supplementary statement
A supplementary statement records changes to the provision of pharmacy services since the publication of the pharmaceutical needs assessment.
Supplementary statements are issued for the opening or closure of pharmacies, or when there are pharmaceutical needs assessment changes that are minor and would be relevant for the granting of applications. Once issued, a supplementary statement becomes part of the PNA and is published below:
You can check a community pharmacy's opening hours using the NHS service finder.