Barnsley’s Place Partnership aims to bring health and wellbeing services across the borough closer together. This is so we can provide the best possible care for our residents.
The partnership is made up of the council, NHS, voluntary, community and social enterprise services. Healthwatch Barnsley is an independent member, who make sure the public’s views are heard. We work together to understand the community needs. This allows us to decide what matters most when it comes to health and wellbeing, and agree on priorities. By working better together, local people will benefit from more joined-up services.
Our improved way of working will help you and your family lead healthier and longer lives. We want everyone to get the advice they need to make healthy lifestyle choices. We also want people to be able to get help early, so they have the best chance at good health.
We're working closely together to meet local people’s needs based on where they live. This gives you a more straight forward and easy to access healthcare service.
Read the Barnsley Health and Care Plan 2023-25.
Who's involved
Providing integrated care to residents at a local level are:
- Barnsley Council
- Barnsley Community and Voluntary Services
- Barnsley Healthcare Federation
- Barnsley Hospice
- Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Healthwatch Barnsley
- NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
- South West Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
How we work
The long term plan for the NHS is to change the way services are delivered. At a local level, plans are being shaped by the South Yorkshire Integrated Care System and the Barnsley Place Partnership.
As one of four partnerships in South Yorkshire, the Barnsley Place Partnership will continue to be the engine room for change. They'll make improving health outcomes a priority, tackle health inequalities and deliver high quality services that are good value for money.
Barnsley has a history of working with our communities through our area councils and ward alliances. We value the benefits of this community focus.
Our frontline staff and the views of local people are at the heart of making services better for our communities. To support and develop care services across Barnsley, we've created a primary care network which represents our six neighbourhood networks.
What we're working towards
- An integrated joined-up health and care system where the people of Barnsley have continuity of care.
- Patients and their families who are supported by what feels like one team, each delivering their part.
- A shift in focus on treating patients with health problems to support people to remain healthy in the first instance.
- Integrated care that delivers the best value for partners and patients.
What we're doing
Making sure everyone can access the care they need
We want to make sure everyone in Barnsley can live and age well. This is why we're committed to making sure everyone can get the support they need, at the right time and in the right place.
We're focusing on how we improve your healthcare. This includes creating safe spaces providing different access points into our mental and physical health services.
Strengthening our approach to preventative care
We want to help you live longer, healthier lives. That's why we're putting older people at the heart of our work, to increase care services in the borough.
We want to help older people stay active and work closely with those who most need our support. Our plans will help us to:
- provide emotional and wellbeing care
- build resilience in our communities
- support people dealing with grief
Providing personalised care for our communities
By joining up our services, we're making sure we can provide care that meets the needs of our areas and the people who need our support most.
We're developing new services for people with eating disorders, who are frail or are living with dementia. We're also enhancing maternity and early years services. This includes reviewing the support we provide for people with special education and disability needs.
Expanding our workforce to meet growing needs
Across Barnsley, we have a wealth of talent in the borough. Our ambition is to provide new jobs for local people, mainly those from deprived areas or who aren't represented enough in our workforce.
We'll work to make sure training and education is available to support ongoing career options for people in Barnsley.
The story so far
We're already seeing improvements in how services are working better together. This work has already started in the Dearne, and we’ve made great steps forward. Now this improved way of working will be rolled out in other areas of Barnsley.
Find out more in our video about the pilot scheme in the Dearne Valley.
Example of integrated care
A local GP referred a couple to My Best Life (MBL) due to them having health and wider social concerns. After one of the couple had a heart attack, a home visit showed the couple were living in just one room. The couple fell behind with repayments and bills, and were unable to find steady employment after the heart attack.
What the issues were
- The couple had debts of almost £40,000.
- Due to a lack of knowledge they weren't making any claims for benefits they were eligible for.
- The couple's home was being repossessed.
- There was a danger of social isolation due to a lack of friends and family support.
- They had no access to regular good food.
How services worked together
- The Dearne integrated wellbeing team discussed the issues. Adult social care worked with MBL on a housing application for Berneslai Homes.
- The Salvation Army delivered weekly food parcels.
- A referral was sent to the DWP home visiting team. This was to support a full benefits review and application.
- The local GP practice arranged for prescription costs to be covered.
What the outcomes were
- The couple were placed in suitable housing.
- A care plan was put in place.
- Support with debt was provided.
- Benefits and housing forms were completed.
- Regular food and clothing was provided, as well as furnishing.
- The DWP complex case team were informed.