Barnsley 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service

The 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service are made up of health visitors and school nursing teams. We support and help children and young people aged 0 to 19 and their families and carers to:

  • be safe
  • live healthier lifestyles
  • achieve their full potential

Our support begins in late pregnancy and until children reach 19 years. If the young person has special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) we support them up to 25 years of age.

Well baby clinics

Our drop-in well baby clinics offer a warm and welcoming environment where you can see a health visitor or another member of the team. 

We can offer:

  • weighing and growth measurement
  • advice about feeding and sleeping
  • parent/carer support and advice

Find a well baby clinic near you

  • Central (New Street Clinic Barnsley) 
    1pm to 2pm on the first and third Friday of each month.

  • Cudworth (The Cudworth Centre, Carlton Street, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8SU)
    10:30am to 11:30am every other Thursday.

  • Dearne Family Hub (Station Road, Thurnscoe, S63 OJR)
    1pm to 4pm every other Thursday. Runs alongside play and stay sessions.

  • Roundhouse Medical Centre (Wakefield Road, New Lodge, Barnsley, S71 1TH)
    9:30am to 11:30am first Wednesday of every month from 2 April 2025.

  • Royston (Royston Library, Station Road, Royston, Barnsley, S71 4EP)
    10:30am to 11:30am every other Thursday.
  • Penistone IKIC Centre (Below St John's Primary School)
    Every Tuesday 9:15am to 10am by appointment and drop in from 10am to 11:30am. 

  • South Family Hub (Wombwell IKIC, Barnsley Road, Wombwell, S73 8HT)
    9:30am to 11:30am every Friday. Runs alongside play and stay sessions.

Support for under 5s

We offer advice, support and help throughout your child’s early years. We promote child and family health and wellbeing, and identify needs early. To do this we:

  • help new parents adjust to parenthood
  • give help and support with infant feeding choices, such as breastfeeding
  • give advice about weaning, healthy diet and nutrition
  • assess and support parent and infant mental health
  • give advice about stopping smoking
  • carry out growth and development assessments during your child's early life
  • check and support your child’s early speech development
  • make sure that children are ready to learn at two years old and are ready for school at age five
  • help parents to manage common childhood illnesses, such as chicken pox
  • give information about common behaviour challenges
  • provide tips about sleeping, eating, toilet training and tantrums
  • give dental health advice and support
  • provide information about the national screening and vaccination programmes
  • give safety and accident prevention advice
  • make referrals to specialist services for extra support, eg speech and language therapy
  • complete early help assessments

Support for 5 to 19 year olds

We offer advice, support and help throughout your child’s school years.

If you're worried about your child's health or progress, we can help. This is especially important if it's starting to impact their learning or attendance at school. Support for children and young people can happen in education settings or in their home. With your permission, school can refer to us to support them in meeting your child's needs.

We also weigh and measure children in reception class (4 to 5 year olds) and year six (10 and 11 year olds). This is as part of the National Child Measurement Programme.

As your child gets older, they can talk to a school nurse about their health and any worries they may have.

We can support parents and carers, education staff and young people with:

  • managing allergies and medical conditions
  • sexual health and contraception advice, and helping young people to access local services
  • advice on healthy relationships
  • assessment and support for bed wetting
  • information on vaccinations
  • oral health advice and support
  • healthy nutrition and eating, healthy activities and lifestyles
  • low level anxiety and emotional wellbeing, referring to specialist services where needed
  • maximising school attendance
  • health promotion and health education activities in schools
  • signposting and making referrals to other services where needed
  • early help assessments and care planning

Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) programme

The FNP are a team of family nurses covering the Barnsley borough. Our aim is to provide support to first time young parents who can benefit most from it.

Our specially trained nurses provide regular home visits from early pregnancy. They'll work with you until between your child’s first and second birthday. FNP uses methods on attachment, relationships and becoming independent.

Your family nurse will build a trusting and supportive relationship with you and your family. They'll guide you so you'll be able to:

  • adopt healthier lifestyles for yourself and your baby
  • provide good care for your baby and toddler
  • plan your future

Why take part in the FNP programme?

Specially trained family nurses help young parents to understand all about their pregnancy. They'll ensure parents know how to care well for both themselves and their babies.

They'll provide young parents with information and advice in the following areas:

  • having a healthy pregnancy
  • planning for labour and baby’s birth
  • improving their child’s health and development
  • building a positive relationship with your baby and others
  • lifestyle choices that will give your child the best possible start in life
  • achieving your goals, for example, finding a job or returning to education

What’s involved?

Regular visits at home and in the community from your family nurse, starting in your pregnancy. You and your family nurse will decide together what topics to talk about. How often your family nurse visits you will be a joint decision between you and your nurse.

The FNP programme will continue until your child’s first birthday. It may also be able to continue until your child is two years old.

We know dads are important to babies, so we welcome dads or partners to join in the visits if they choose.

How do I join?

Please contact us or your midwife if:

  • you're 19 years old or under and under 28 weeks pregnant
  • you live in Barnsley
  • you'd like to have a family nurse to help you have a healthy pregnancy and be the best mum you can

If you'd like to join the FNP please call 01226 774411.

How to contact us

You can contact a health visitor or school nurse by:

Giving us feedback

We'd like to know about your experience of our service. This can help us to improve the services we provide. Find out how to give us a compliment or make a complaint.