Customer feedback annual report

Our annual customer feedback report gives us, our partners, and members of the public vital information. It shows us what our customers have told us. This includes their experiences and expectations of the services they've received during 2023-24.

This report looks at all of the complaints and compliments that have been recorded by us. The report takes data from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. It also has complaints received about Adult and Children Social Care services.

We have two complaints procedure for managing complaints.  One for Children's Social Care which has 3 stages and one for all other Council services, including Adults Social Care Complaints, which has 2 stages. For more details on either of these please see our complaints and compliments webpage.

Complaints and compliments report 2023-24

We really value your feedback as it helps us to improve our services.  You can read our complaints and compliments report 2023-24 to see what we've been working on to help to achieve this. 

You can also take a look at the cabinet report that supports it.