Tourism and events
If you're planning to organise or run an event, you need to tell us about this to make sure it:
- runs safely
- has all the required permissions and licences
- adheres to any relevant legislation
We support lawful and secure events taking place in the borough, and will work with you to:
- provide advice and guidance
- agree on any control measures
- apply restrictions rather than prohibitions where practical
- use enforcement only when this is needed
As the organiser, it's your duty to have the correct insurance for the event. We aren't liable for any financial loss. This may apply for venue owners and private landowners in relation to hires. You should confirm this in advance of planning your event.
Permission to hold an event, activity or attraction on our land will be done so with terms, and with the agreement that it may be withdrawn if any of our conditions aren't met.
How to notify us of an event
To notify us of your event, please fill in our event notification form (ENF1) and email it to
You need to include detailed plans for your event with your ENF1 form. This includes:
- details of the event content
- maps and layout plans
- traffic management proposals
- medical needs
- waste management proposals
- hire agreements for the land or venues you intend to use (both council-owned or private)
You should give us as much notice as possible about your planned event. The timescales for submitting your notification are as follows:
- For events with up to 1000 people you need to give two months' notice.
- For events with 1000 to 5000 people you need to give three months' notice.
- For events with over 5000 people you need to give six months' notice.
What happens next
Our decision to approve an event is made on a case by case basis.
If your event is deemed the right size and concern, we'll refer your application to the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) for further review. The SAG will either approve your event or give you feedback on the amendments that need to be made. After making any amendments, the SAG will review your application again to decide whether permission for the event is granted.
A post-event review will also be completed if needed.
More information
Safety Advisory Group (SAG)
The Safety Advisory Group (SAG) advise on safety aspects for public events planned to take place in the Barnsley area. They provide a 'one stop' approach to update the agencies likely to be involved in the planning, management or response for an event. The SAG includes senior officers from various agencies including the police, fire and rescue service, and Yorkshire Ambulance Service.
The main objectives of the SAG are:
- to promote high levels of safety and welfare at events by giving advice and guidance
- to promote good practice in safety and welfare planning for events
- to ensure events cause minimal adverse impact to the community
The SAG provide event organisers with professional advice and guidance. The group decides on the plans presented by the event organiser, looking at the content and structure of the safety elements of the event. It isn't the group's role to assist in the planning of the event or the writing of the event plan.
All comments and advice made by the SAG are always advisory, made by professionals in the interest of public safety. The advice the group provides shouldn't be dismissed lightly.
The safety of the event is the duty of the event organiser. The organiser needs to:
- apply the advice from the SAG, making sure the required guidance and regulations are met
- ensure health and safety are a key part of the planning and operation
- ensure all safety certificates and relevant documents are in place, correct and up to date (for all parties providing services to the event)
Organising a street party
If you're planning to hold a small, private street party, the street party guidance on GOV.UK sets out what you'll need to think about. You can also visit the Street Party website for advice to help you plan your event, including what to do and when.
You can apply to hold a street party by completing the event notification form (ENF1) for your event. You might also need to apply to close a road for your street party.
Selling alcohol and other licensable activities
If you want to carry out a licensable activity on unlicensed premises during your event, you'll need to apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN). Licensable activities include:
- selling alcohol
- providing entertainment such as music, dancing or indoor sporting events
You also need to apply for a TEN if you already have a premises licence but the activity isn't included in its terms.
Booking an event space on a high street
We have a range of spaces on high streets across the borough that you can book for promotional events such as:
- product, food or drink promotions
- art and culture events
- charity and fundraising events
- market research
- leafleting or advertising
Find out how to book a promotional event space on a high street.
For more information
Contact us online