Archaeology and ancient monuments

Archaeological sites

You can view information of known archaeological sites in Barnsley on the Historic Environment Record (HER).

South Yorkshire sites and monuments

Other known sites are recorded on the South Yorkshire Sites and Monuments Record (SMR), which contains information on archaeological finds from various periods.  The South Yorkshire archaeology service are archaeological advisors to various councils including Barnsley.  

Scheduled monument works

Some sites are classified as scheduled monuments and require scheduled monument consent for any proposed works.

Other heritage assets

You can view a register of heritage assets in South Yorkshire on the South Yorkshire Local Heritage List. These are assets that aren't protected by statutory national designations but contribute to the distinctiveness and history of South Yorkshire.  

Further Information

Sites of national archaeological importance are protected under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979.

Read the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) for government guidance from the Department for Communities.