Public space protection order (PSPO) - dog control

During 2020 we carried out a consultation with Barnsley residents about putting in place a public space protection order for the purposes of dog control to keep our neighbourhood safe and clean. 

Over 1000 responses were received during the consultation and many residents agreed that a number of things needed to be put into place for the whole borough, to make the environment a cleaner and safer place.

What's expected

In March 2021 a borough-wide PSPO was granted by cabinet. It contains a number of conditions that must be followed. These conditions are that:

  • you're in charge of a dog must remove faeces from any public open land across Barnsley immediately
  • you're in charge of a dog must put the dog on a lead when requested to do so by an authorised officer
  • you must keep a dog on a lead in a cemetery 
  • you can't take a dog into or keep it within a fenced/enclosed children's play area
  • you're in charge of a dog must carry suitable means to remove any dog fouling

These conditions are what members of the public would expect from responsible dog ownership and aren't meant to implement unnecessary restrictions on dog owners.

You can take a look at the PSPO for Dog Control.


As part of this protection order we do expect a person in charge of a dog to follow these rules. Posters have been put up around the borough reminding people of these rules and anyone not following them may be fined up to £1,000.