As part of our borough-wide work to help keep residents safe we're 'Joining Forces' with our key partners. Joining Forces brings together key members of staff from the council and South Yorkshire Police.
South Yorkshire Police's safer neighbourhood service and our markets and parking services are based at The Glass Works. This allows the delivery of our partnership approach from a central location at the heart of the town centre.
Our partners
Through our Joining Forces campaign we work together with partners. These include:
Neighbourhood Wardens
Our seven Neighbourhood Wardens work to help deter low level criminal behaviour, environment offences, and anti social behaviour.
Working with our partners, they can offer advice and support if you have any concerns in your community.
They work to promote unity and help people and neighbourhoods to identify and resolve problems. They have enforcement powers on littering, fly tipping, and public space protection orders.
Town Centre Wardens
Our Town Centre Wardens patrol the town centre to stop low level crime, environment offences, and antisocial behaviour.
Our wardens have the power to enforce the Barnsley public space protection order and fixed penalty notices (FPNs). They'll try to use low level resolution first.
Their role is to offer advice and support to those who need it. This includes locating vehicles and offering directions.
Barnsley's Public Space Protection Order (PSPO)
Barnsley town centre has a public space protection order in place. This gives the police, the council and other officers extra powers to deal with low level anti social behaviour. Having a town centre PSPO in place is part of the ongoing Joining Forces work. They make sure Barnsley continues to be a safe, inclusive and attractive place to visit.
Both our town centre and Neighbourhood Wardens have the power to enforce under the PSPO.
Find out more about Barnsley's PSPO.
In the video below, Paul, one of our Town Centre Wardens talks about his role. They enforce the town centre public space protection order.
What this means for you
You'll see more uniformed services under the Joining Forces banner. This reflects our joined up approach to improving security and safety. We'll also give help and advice.
Barnsley town centre
Safer Neighbourhood Service
The Safer Neighbourhood Service brings together Barnsley Council, South Yorkshire Police, housing, support providers, and other key stakeholders.
Homelessness and Recovery Steps
Report something to us
Barnsley town centre neighbourhood newsletter - November 2024

Problem solving and targeted activity
Operation Sceptre
The Barnsley Central NPT have been involved in a week-long national police initiative aimed at reducing knife-related violence, removing dangerous weapons from the streets, and raising awareness of the dangers around knife crime.
We've co-ordinated the following activities targeting this topic:
Engagement stands/education school talks
Engagement stands offering advice and safeguarding information around knife crime were held around various locations in the town centre area. PCSOs and police officers attended local schools to educate young people about the dangers of knife crime. Young people were also offered mentoring and intervention programmes to deter involvement in crime.
Knife policy checks in local retail stores
All local stores that sell bladed articles were visited, where it was ensured that the correct policies were in place to comply with laws prohibiting the sale of knives to people under the age of 18.
Stop and search patrols/enforcement
Increased patrols and proactive policing for known offenders and locations linked to knife-related violence. An intelligence led approach was taken, where searches of public spaces for hidden weapons were conducted.
Mounted patrols
Our mounted officers were in full flow around Barnsley town centre offering a high visibility presence, meet and greets, and advice around the impacts of knife crime on local communities.
Community engagement
Operation Duxford
Operation Duxford returned to the district of Barnsley this month, where a total of 170 officers from all areas, including neighbourhood teams, mounted, firearms, traffic and tasking joined forces with Barnsley Council to tackle issues around anti-social behaviour.
The goal of Operation Duxford is to address issues such as drug offences, violent crime and any other community concerns through high visibility and engagement.
Engagement stands were held by the Barnsley Central NPT in the Barnsley Interchange and The Glass Works atrium, offering crime prevention advice and providing our local communities of Barnsley with the opportunity to discuss any issues that are affecting local residents.
It was a very icy day, but that didn't stop our Barnsley officers. Several warrants were conducted in the town centre, New Lodge and Honeywell areas. By mid-day, a total of nine arrests had been made for offences including possession with intent to supply Class A drugs, shoplifting, public order, handling stolen goods, possession of an offensive weapon and immigration offences.
Officers along with staff from Barnsley Council conducted a scrap metal operation, where 42 vehicles were stopped and examined and over 700 vehicles were monitored for seat belt and mobile phone offences.
Barnsley Bright Nights
Our Barnsley Central NPT joined in with the festivities of the Christmas light switch on. The team really enjoyed being involved in the magical occasion, where there were market stalls aplenty, a live choir singing carols, an appearance from Santa and a spectacular display of lights and music. If you see our officers out and about over the festive season, please do stop and say hello. They're there to keep you safe and will be more than happy to have a chat with you and provide you with any advice you need.
Crime prevention advice
We want to make sure that when you're out and about shopping over the Christmas period, your personal valuables are safe from opportunistic thieves.
You can help protect yourself from becoming a victim of crime by following these simple tips:
- Always securely fasten personal bags and handbags, and don't leave the contents on view.
- Never leave bags unattended.
- Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.
- Never keep PIN numbers with your bank cards.
- While out and about, be vigilant and remain aware of who's around you.
By following the above advice, you can help prevent yourself becoming a victim of crime whilst enjoying Christmas shopping in Barnsley town centre.
Elsewhere in South Yorkshire
Know More campaign
November saw the launch of 'Know More', the third phase of our Violence Against Women and Girls campaign.
We're urging the communities of South Yorkshire to take a stand against violence against women and girls.
On behalf of women everywhere, we're saying no more to violence against women and girls, asking you to do more to help stop it, and encouraging everyone to know more about online abuse and harassment.
Find out more about the Know More campaign.
Keeping in touch
Pop-up police stations and engagement stalls:
Throughout each month, we hold several engagement events at different locations across the town centre and surrounding areas. Events and stalls will take place on the following dates:
- 28 January 2025 - engagement stand, The Glass Works, 3pm to 4:30pm.
- 30 January 2025 - town centre PACT meeting, Westgate Plaza, 2:30pm to 3:30pm.
We'll be on hand to answer any questions you may have around crime and anti-social behaviour, provide crime prevention advice, or just for people to have a chat with local officers.
South Yorkshire Police (SYP) Alerts
SYP Alerts is a messaging system brought to you by South Yorkshire Police for our borough. You can sign up with SYP Alerts and can choose to receive news and appeals, local crime details or prevention advice. It's sent direct to you by email, text or voice message. You can also receive messages on joint initiative work from Joining Forces partners.
Signing up for alerts is free. After signing up you can chose how you want to receive messages and what you want to receive them about. Watch this video to learn more about SYP Alerts, or register below.
PACT meetings
Partners and Communities Together (PACT) meetings are events that are held throughout the borough. They give you the chance to discuss any thoughts and concerns you may have.
You can find details of your local PACT meeting on the South Yorkshire Police website. Select your local neighbourhood policing team then choose the option for meetings and events.
Find out more
- Anti-social behaviour - behaviour that causes harassment, alarm or distress to other people living in your neighbourhood.
- Crime prevention - staying safe when you're out and about, on public transport or using a cash machine.
- Safer Barnsley Partnership - a multi-agency partnership working to make Barnsley a safer place for local people and the borough They tackle crime, anti social behaviour, substance misuse and reoffending.
- Safer neighbourhood teams - teams that police places and respond to neighbourhood issues, such as anti social behaviour.
- Vehicle seizures for waste crimes - details of vehicles we've seized that are being, have been or will be used to commit a waste crime such as fly tipping.