Community and volunteering
What a week that was!
The Age Friendly Barnsley Festival took place between 25 September and 1 October 2021. Looking at the positive and great side of later life and the enormous role of older people in our town.
Age Friendly Barnsley arranged the festival. Barnsley has joined the UK Network of Age Friendly communities, wanting everyone in Barnsley to enjoy healthy and active ageing.
Age Friendly communities make it possible for people to continue to stay living in their homes. Also join in with the events they value.
Jane Holliday, CEO at Age UK Barnsley had this to say:
"The Festival is a celebration of later life. It has a range of events across the week tying in with International Older People's Day. If people missed out on the week's events then not to worry. We're here all year round to help and advise people what's on offer for them to access and enjoy."
Festival highlights included:
- Barnsley U3A Old Blowers Brass Band playing outside Library @ the Lightbox
- Age Friendly Barnsley/Positive Images of Ageing Presentation at Library @ the Lightbox
- Walking football and bowls matches
- Love Later Life events throughout the week, with one taking place in each of the six Barnsley Council areas. One lady who attended said the event had been 'better than her wedding!'
- Walks taking place across Barnsley in conjunction with Walk Well Barnsley.
And we had the Age Friendly Barnsley flag flying and purple lighting of the fountain and the Town Hall!
Many of these events such as walking football and walks happen throughout the year. Barnsley U3A also have a wide range of event groups and welcome new members.