Our targeted information, advice and guidance (TIAG) service gives impartial careers advice to young people. We'll encourage, support and help you get into education, employment or training.
We give this support to people:
- aged 13 to 24 who have an education, health and care plan (EHCP)
- aged 13 to 24 who are in care or a care leaver
- aged 16 to 19 and not in education, employment or training (NEET)
- aged 16 to 18 and working with the youth offending service
If you're not in any of these categories but you need support, please contact your:
- school or academy
- advanced learning centre or further education provider
They have a duty to provide you with careers guidance.
How we can help
Every young person we with work with has their own TIAG personal adviser. All of our advisers are fully qualified careers guidance specialists. Their job is to help you explore your learning and career options. They'll encourage you to reach your goals for the future and support you to get into education, employment or training.
Your adviser will work with you to find what kind of support you need. This could include:
- one to one careers guidance to help you plan your next steps
- attendance at annual, care or case-planning reviews
- visits to learning providers
- details on vacancies
- details about open days
- details about what employers want
- help applying for jobs
- help to write a CV
- interview techniques
We can also arrange personal growth and work options. This might include giving you the chance to take part in things like volunteering. If needed, we can refer you to other agencies for specialist support on benefits, housing and health issues.
How to get help
If you need support to explore your next steps, please call us on (01226) 775270. You can also complete the online form.
For more information
Call (01226) 775270 or