We offer free safeguarding adults training to people working with adults across Barnsley. This includes online e-learning modules and courses delivered online or in person.
The training is available to those who:
- work in paid roles in health and social care
- are managers of paid workers or volunteers
- work in education
- work in the criminal justice system
- work with those with substance use issues, homelessness, are victims of domestic violence or modern slavery
- are volunteers
- work in small community interest companies, voluntary settings or local groups
- work in service industries and that sometimes come into contact with people with support needs. An example of this could be anyone working in public transport
There are a range of courses on offer. Some explain how abuse and neglect occurs, the signs, and what you can do. Others are for people who already have a good working knowledge of safeguarding adults and wish to advance their practice.
For any queries about courses, or to ask about future courses, please email
Read our Safeguarding Adults Board training brochure.
Online e-learning courses
You can complete e-learning courses on POD - our online portal. You don't need to work for us to be able to access this. Anyone working with adults can have access to POD.
If you've not used POD before you need to set up an account. Please email to get started.
Courses include:
- Safeguarding adults at risk – recognising and sharing safeguarding concerns (Level A)
This course is for anyone working with adults with care and support needs. It covers who might be at risk of abuse and neglect, what this means, and what we should do about it. - Safeguarding adults at risk – safeguarding for workers who will raise concerns (Level B)
This course is for anyone that may raise safeguarding concerns as a result of abuse and neglect. - Self-neglect and hoarding
This course is for anyone who works with people who are at risk of self-neglect and hoarding. It covers our policy, risk assessing and good practice to support someone. - The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Deprivation of Liberty safeguards (DoLS)
This course is for anyone that wants to understand more about the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. It includes guidance on helping people to make their own decisions, assessing capacity and making best interest decisions.
Virtual/in person courses
You can book a place at any of our courses on POD. You don't need to work for Barnsley Council to be able to access this. Anyone working with adults can have access to POD.
If you've not used POD before you need to set up an account. Please email to get started.
If you don't have a POD account you can book at place by emailing:
Cost of courses
There is no charge to register for these courses, however if you fail to attend you'll be liable to pay a £50 fee. You must attend a course you register for, and if you're unable to attend you must unregister within at least 48 hours of the course start time.
March 2025
Course | Date | Time | Delivery platform |
Behaviour that challenges workers - learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews | 19 March | 9:30am to 12:30pm | Microsoft Teams |
April 2025
Course | Date | Time | Delivery platform |
Raising high quality safeguarding concerns | 9 April | 9:30am to 12:30am | Meeting room 14, Barnsley Town Hall |
Basic safeguarding adults | 17 April | 1pm to 4pm | Meeting room 14, Barnsley Town Hall |
Good practice in completing s.42 forms | 22 April | 12pm to 1:30am | Microsoft Teams |
May 2025
Course | Date | Time | Delivery platform |
Self-neglect and hoarding | 13 May | 9:30am to 11am | Microsoft Teams |
Principles of good safeguarding enquiries | 14 May | 9:30am to 12:30am | Microsoft Teams |
Reducing addiction stigma | 28 May | 10am to 1pm | Room 14, Barnsley Town Hall |
June 2025
Course | Date | Time | Delivery platform |
Basic safeguarding adults | 5 June | 9:30am to 12:30am | Meeting room 11, Barnsley Town Hall |
Mental capacity act - including supported and substituted decision making | 12 June | 9:30am to 12:30am | Microsoft Teams |
July 2025
Course | Date | Time | Delivery platform |
PiPOT (persons in positions of trust) | 9 July | 12pm to 1:30am | Microsoft Teams |
Raising high quality safeguarding concerns | 15 July | 9:30am to 12:30am | Microsoft Teams |
August 2025
Course | Date | Time | Delivery platform |
Self-neglect and hoarding | 12 August | 12pm to 1:30am | Microsoft Teams |
Principles of good safeguarding enquiries | 20 August | 9:30am to 12:30am | Microsoft Teams |
September 2025
Course | Date | Time | Delivery platform |
Good practice in completing safeguarding referral forms | 3 September | 12pm to 1:30am | Microsoft Teams |
Good practice in completing s.42 forms | 9 September | 12pm to 1:30am | Microsoft Teams |
Reducing addiction stigma | 10 September | 10am to 1pm | Room 11, Barnsley Town Hall |
Basic safeguarding adults | 18 September | 1pm to 4pm | Meeting room 14, Barnsley Town Hall |
Behaviour that challenges workers - learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews | 18 September | 1pm to 4pm | Microsoft Teams |
Understanding the DOLS | 24 September | 9:30am to 12:30am | Microsoft Teams |
October 2025
Course | Date | Time | Delivery platform |
Mental Capacity Act - learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews | 1 October | 9:30am to 12:30am | Microsoft Teams |
PiPOT (persons in positions of trust) | 15 October | 12pm to 1:30am | Microsoft Teams |
Raising high quality safeguarding concerns | 21 October | 9:30am to 12:30am | Microsoft Teams |
November 2025
Course | Date | Time | Delivery platform |
Self-neglect and hoarding | 4 November | 9:30am to 11am | Microsoft Teams |
Mental capacity act - including supported and substituted decision making | 24 November | 9:30am to 12:30am | Microsoft Teams |
Basic safeguarding adults | 27 November | 9:30am to 12:30am | Meeting room 14, Barnsley Town Hall |
December 2025
Course | Date | Time | Delivery platform |
Raising high quality safeguarding concerns | 8 December | 9:30am to 12:30am | Meeting room 14, Barnsley Town Hall |