Children in care and care leavers
Why we might take your child into care
We'll only consider taking your child into care if we believe they're at risk of significant harm. It's usually as a last resort, if we've explored all our options, and our efforts to keep you together as a family have failed.
When we take a child into care we become their corporate parents; we become responsible for looking after them. We'll make sure they live in a safe home, stay healthy, have a good education, retain their identity, are prepared for the future, and are involved in all aspects of their care.
Keeping in contact with your child
If your child's in care we know that staying in touch with them and having a positive relationship with their family is really important, both for you and your child. We have a duty to promote contact between you and your child and other relatives and friends, even if your child came into care under a court order.
Contact can be by letter, phone, face-to-face, and can include overnight stays, providing it's safe for your child. Arrangements for contact will be included in your child's care plan.
Taking care of your child
For all our children and young people in care, we’ve set out a list of what they can expect from us and how we’ll care for them.
We give a copy of these expectations to every child who comes into our care.
Contact our Children in Care team
Contact us online or call 01226 772626