Barnsley Early Start and Family Services
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth up to five years old. Schools and early years providers, including childminders and nurseries, must follow the EYFS.
The EYFS framework gives childcare providers a set of common principles for the delivery of early education and experiences for all children. It gives parents and carers confidence that the same commitments will underpin their child’s learning no matter where they choose for their child's early education.
Ideas for learning at home
We've produced some home learning ideas to support parents and carers with fun and simple activities. With each idea you'll see that there is a link to a social media post that can easily be shared by settings in your communication with parents and carers.
Home learning ideas for 2 year olds
Activity | Links to learning | Exploring language |
Downloadable image to use on social media |
Post box fun |
Physical development, fine motor control, language development. |
Prepositions. | Post box fun social media image. |
Indoor tennis |
Physical development, gross motor control, personal, social and emotional development, turn taking, language development. |
Action words, direction, speed. | Indoor tennis social media image. |
Threading straws |
Physical development, fine motor control, language development. |
Colours, amounts, length. | Threading straws social media image. |
Golf tees | Physical development, fine motor control, language development. | Instructions, patters, counting. | Golf tees social media image. |
Ring toss | Physical development, gross motor control, language development. | Distance, counting, prepositions. | Ring toss social media image. |
Bathtub paint | Physical development, fine and gross motor control, sensory, language development. | Colours, my drawings. | Bathtub paint social media image. |
Digger fun | Fine motor control, imaginative play, language development. | Parts of the digger, speed and direction. | Digger fun social media image. |
Animal rescue | Physical development, fine motor control, language development. | animal names, animal noises. | Animal rescue social media image. |
Muddy animal wash | Physical development, fine motor control, imaginative play, language development. | Animals, water and washing, body parts. | Muddy animal wash social media image. |
Mug tree | Physical development, fine motor control, number, language development. | Shapes, size, counting. | Mug tree social media image. |
Paint splodges | Physical development, fine motor control, language development. | Colours, moving and mixing. | Paint splodges social media image. |
Pouring and filing | Physical development, fine motor control, shape, space and measure, language development. | Capacity, sizes, foods. | Pouring and filling social media image. |
Sensory bottles | Listening and attention, physical development, fine motor skills, language development. | Sounds and volume, colours, naming. | Sensory bottles social media image. |
Treasure baskets | Physical development, fine motor control, sensory, language development. | Describing words, naming objects. | Treasure baskets social media image. |
Rainmaker | Listening and attention, language development. | Movement and speed, sounds and volume. | Rainmaker social media image. |
Pots and pans | Listening and attention, fine and gross motor control, language development. | Songs, volume and sounds, doing words. | Pots and pans social media image. |
Water fun | Shape, space and measure, fine motor control, language development. | Capacity, size. | Water fun social media image. |
Dress up | Personal, social and emotional development, fine and gross motor control, imaginative play, language development. | Naming items, body parts. | Dress up social media image. |
Washing basket fun | Personal, social and emotional development, imaginative play, language development. | Nursery rhymes and songs. | Washing basket fun social media image. |
Water painting | Personal, social and emotional development, physical development, fine motor control, language development. | my marks. | Water painting social media image. |
Car rolling | Physical development, fine motor control, language development. | Action words, direction, speed and colours. | Car rolling social media image. |
Photos | Language development. | Family names, name of toys, doing words. | Photos social media image. |
Shop | Language development, number. | Names of different food types, counting. | Shop social media image. |
Hungry little minds | Personal, social and emotional development. Imaginative play, language development. | Naming, doing words, instructions. | Hungry little minds social media image. |
In the basket | Physical development, gross motor control, language development. | Action words, praise and encouragement. | In the basket social media image. |
Paint the fence | Physical development, fine motor control, language development. | My marks, praise and encouragement. | Paint the fence social media image. |
Dough recipe | Physical development, fine motor control, language development. | Doing words, instructions, naming. | Dough recipe social media image. |
Sweeping up | Physical development, gross motor control, language development | Action words, praise and encouragement. | Sweeping up social media image. |
Clothes wash | Physical development, gross motor control, fine motor control, language development | Naming, doing words, instructions. | Clothes wash social media image. |
Home learning ideas for 3-5 year olds
Activity |
Links to learning |
Exploring language |
Downloadable image to use on social media |
Elmer |
Physical development Fine motor control Listening and attention Communication and language |
Parts of the elephant Following simple instructions |
Animal shadow |
Physical development Fine motor control Communication and language Mark making |
Animal body parts |
Animal shadow social media image. |
Balancing |
Physical development Gross motor skills Communication and language |
Action words Words to describe speed |
Balancing social media image. |
Balloon cars |
Communication and language Physical development Fine motor control |
Counting words Words to compare speed |
Balloon cars social media image. |
Balloon keepy upy |
Physical development gross motor skills Shape, space and measure Communication and language |
Distance, measure, Height, Counting Body parts |
Baloon keepy upy social media image. |
Bath time float and sink |
Personal, social and emotional development Understanding the world Mathematical development Communication and language |
Naming objects and describing their properties |
Bath time float and sink social media image. |
Beans in a bag |
Communication and language Understanding the world |
Growing and nature words Parts of the plant |
Beans in a bag social media image. |
Bike wash |
Physical development Gross motor skills Communication and language Personal, social and emotional development |
Water, bubbles and cleaning words Parts of bike/scooter |
Bike wash social media image. |
Binoculars |
Communication and language Imaginative play |
Naming objects Describing words |
Binoculars social media image. |
Board games |
Communication and language Mathematical development Turn taking |
Numbers and words to describe amounts |
Board games social media image. |
Bug hotel |
Communication and language Understanding the world |
Plant, nature and minibeast words |
Bug hotel social media image. |
Car tracks |
Communication and language Mathematical development Imaginative play |
Prepositions and directions |
Car track social media image. |
Cardboard town |
Communication and language Imaginative play Mathematical development |
Places Prepositions and directions |
Cardboard town social media image. |
Chalk painting |
Communication and language Physical development Fine motor control |
Talk about my creations |
Chalk painting social media image. |
Cup phone |
Communication and language Personal, social and emotional development |
Ask questions about what others are doing |
Cup phone social media image. |
Den |
Communication and language Personal, social and emotional development Imaginative play |
Building and material words |
Den social media image. |
Digging for treasure |
Communication and language Imaginative play Physical development Gross motor control |
Action words Treasure, pirate and adventure words |
Digging for treasure social media image. |
Duck and boat race |
Communication and language Physical development Fine motor control |
Words to talk about and compare speed Cardinal numbers and ordering |
Duck and boat race social media image. |
Family photos |
Communication and language Personal, social and emotional development |
Talking about people and experiences |
Family photos social media image. |
Hopscotch |
Communication and language Mathematical development Physical development Gross motor control |
Hopscotch social media image. | |
Ice cave balloons |
Communication and language Imaginative play Understanding the world |
Ice cave balloons social media image. | |
Junk |
Communication and language Physical development Fine motor control |
Objects and tools |
Junk social media image. |
Make a shop |
Communication and language Mathematical development Imaginative play |
Items Money counting |
Make a shop social media image. |
Pizza recipe |
Communication and language Mathematical development |
Foods instructions |
Pizza recipe social media image. |
Pebble people |
Communication and language Physical development Fine motor control Imaginative play |
Sizes, colours and weights Facial features |
Pebble people social media image. |
Sky gazing |
Communication and language |
Talk about what you see |
Sky gazing social media image. |
Snap and squeeze dough |
Communication and language Physical development Fine motor control Mathematical development |
Action words |
Snap and squeeze social media image. |
Take photos |
Communication and language Understanding the world |
Talk about your photos |
Take photos social media image. |
Washing dolls clothes |
Communication and language Personal, social and emotional Imaginative play |
Clothes items |
Washing dolls clothes social media image. |
Wrapping presents |
Communication and language Physical development Fine motor control Mathematical development |
Shape, size and measuring |
Wrapping presents social media image. |
Phonics in Early Years
Being able to read is the most important skill children will learn during their early years, and can impact lifelong confidence and well-being. An extensive vocabulary at the age of five will help children from a disadvantaged background to succeed at school.
We recommend that settings focus on phase 1 of letters and sounds, and embed good listening skills.
Letters and sounds helps practitioners teach children how the alphabet works for reading and spelling by acknowledging children’s speaking and listening skills in their own right, and as preparatory to learning phonic skills.
We run training on letters and sounds on a regular basis; courses are available to book on POD.
Outdoor learning
The outdoor environment is a dynamic and natural space for learning and development for children of all ages.
It offers:
- a multi-sensory environment that's meaningful, stimulating and motivating.
- a positive impact on children's sense of well-being, and helps development.
- opportunities to connect with the natural world, to experience nature, weather, life and growth.
- space and freedom that can't be replicated indoors.
- the ability to explore beyond the garden or grounds.
Conducting a benefit-risk assessment will help you take an enabling approach to outdoors risk management. Find out more about risk assessments.
Key points for outdoor learning
- Outdoor environments have unique characteristics and features.
- Learning outdoors has equal value to learning indoors.
- Outdoor learning has a positive impact on children’s well-being and development.
- Children need the support of engaged adults who are enthusiastic about the outdoors and understand the importance of outdoor learning.
- Outdoor learning is enhanced by an environment that is resourced with play materials that can be adapted and used in different ways.
- An approach to outdoor learning that considers experiences, rather than equipment, places children at the centre of the provision.
Outdoor learning resources
There's lots of resources available to schools and settings to support outdoor learning, and the development of outdoor spaces. Examples include:
- The Woodland Trust - offer downloadable resources and a free trees scheme
- Play England - provide advice and support for children's outdoor play
- RHS Campaign for School Gardening - resources and information to help with growing fruit and vegetables
Find more outdoor learning resources in the useful information and documents section.
Observation, assessment, planning and tracking
We specialise in providing support, challenge and guidance, with a focus on learning and development in the EYFS. We provide:
- training for settings and schools
- support and guidance
- reference materials
You need to observe children to understand their level of achievement, interests and learning styles. This allows you to shape learning experiences for each child reflecting those observations, to enhance their development and progression.
You can record your observations of a child using our observation template, and provide parents or carers with our observation from home slips.
Assessment is an important part in helping parents, carers and practitioners to recognise children’s progress, understand their needs, and to plan activities and support. Ongoing assessment (also known as formative assessment) is an integral part of the learning and development process.
You can use our assessment templates below to record a summary of a child's learning and development on entry, and their termly review.
Prime assessments (for children under the age of 3)
- Prime on entry summary for children under the age of 3
- Prime termly review for children under the age of 3
Prime and specific assessments (for children aged 3 or over)
- Prime and specific on entry summary for children aged 3 or over
- Prime and specific termly review for children aged 3 or over
You need to consider the individual needs, interests, and stage of development of each child in your care, and use this information to plan a challenging and enjoyable experience for each child in all of the areas of learning and development.
You can use our template continuous learning plan or objective led plan for individual children, and our template weekly activity plan.
There are a range of example continuous learning plans available in the useful documents section.
Our toolkit to support the tracking of attainment and progress has been designed for early education and childcare providers in Barnsley. As part of the toolkit there's an easy to use Excel tracker that allows providers to monitor the development of individuals and groups.
For a copy of the tracker please contact us using our online form.
Transition to school or other childcare provision
It's important that all children experience a positive transition to school or other childcare provision. With appropriate preparation and understanding, children are more likely to feel secure and settle more easily into their new environment.
Our EYFS summary transition record can act as a supportive tool within the transition process. We encourage settings to use this standard format; schools and other settings might ask for transition information like this so they meet the statutory requirement for information and records EYFS Statutory Framework 2021. The record contains on-entry assessment information such as the 2 year progress check, on exit assessment information, and details of strategies in place in order to meet the child's needs including SEN support and Early Help Assessment (EHA) information.
Settings and schools must make sure they're fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018 when sharing information with settings, schools and other agencies.
For more help and advice regarding transitions, contact us by emailing or speak to your Early Years Consultant.
Audit tools
In order to evaluate provision and identify improvement priorities, we're trained and accredited to use a number of audit tools including those below.
To find out more about how we could use these in your setting, contact us using our online form.
ECERS-3 – Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale
ECERS-3 is the revised version of the internationally used and respected tool to measure and improve the quality of early years provisions. ECERS-3 has an increased focus on literacy, mathematical learning and the role of the adult to maximise teaching and learning.
ITERS - Infant and Toddler Environment Rating Scale
ITERS has a focus on auditing the environment for the youngest children (0 to 2 and a half years old) in order create a sense of attachment and well-being to promote development.
SSTEW - Sustained Shared Thinking and Emotional Well-being
The SSTEW scale has been developed to assess the quality of adult support and interactions in promoting children’s sustained shared thinking and emotional well-being.
The SSTEW scale builds on the ITERS and ECERS to provide more focus on the adult role. The SSTEW scales go further in defining what adults actually do that support children's emotional well-being and their learning behaviours and attitudes.
MOVERS - Movement Environment Rating Scale
MOVERS is a new method of measuring the quality of environment and pedagogy in which children are encouraged to be physically active. It applies the methodology used in the ECERS-E and SSTEW scales, making it easy for educators familiar with these to adopt.
MOVERS is an invaluable tool for research, self-evaluation and improvement, audit, and regulation.
For more information
Contact us online or call us on 0800 034 5340
Early Years Teacher (EYT) network
Practitioners with Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) working with children in Barnsley’s early years settings are invited to be part of the EYT network.
Being part of the network provides:
- invitation to periodic network meetings to share good practice with other EYTs
- professional development opportunities to support continuous improvement to leadership of learning