Safe and active travel initiatives for schools

Our safe and active travel guide aims to help primary and secondary schools promote and support active travel and road safety. This promotes physical activity and improve health.

The list below shows the various events available to schools. It'll help you choose the ones that best suit your needs.

All of the events have a Modeshift STARS reference number, helping you choose what to deliver. As these will contribute towards the bronze, silver and gold levels.

Modeshift STARS for schools

Modeshift STARS is a national awards scheme. To recognise schools that have shown excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other active travel.

Schools in England (outside of London) can take part in Modeshift STARS for free. After applying to join the scheme schools will have a national standard school travel plan.

Activities for primary schools

We can also deliver other road safety sessions for primary schools. Email Kerry Birks at for more details.

Activities for secondary schools