If your child's been refused a place at any school named on your application or transfer form, you have the right to refer your case. An independent appeal panel will then review your appeal.
What to do
If you don't wish to accept the school place you've been offered for your child, contact the school admissions team. You need to do this within 10 working days and let us know that you want to appeal against the decision. You can do this by emailing admissions@barnsley.gov.uk. We'll send you a notice of appeal form to complete. We advise that you read the appeal booklet before submitting your appeal.
If you're appealing for a place in another local authority, you must complete one of their notice of appeal forms.
We'll write to you to let you know the appeal date 14 days before it takes place. We'll send you a summary of the reasons for refusing the admission at least seven days before the appeal.
You'll be responsible for presenting your case. You need to decide what you'd like to say at the appeal hearing and what written evidence you want the panel to consider. You should submit all written evidence to us at least seven days before the appeal.
If you wish to appeal for the following schools, you need to contact them directly to get the correct notice of appeal form. Once completed, you need to return it to the school.
- Carlton Primary Academy
- Dodworth St John Primary Academy
- Meadstead Primary Academy
- Parkside Primary Academy
- Royston St John's Primary Academy
- St Mary's Primary Academy
- Summerfields Primary Academy
The appeals panel
You have the right to attend the appeal to make your case to the panel. If you feel you need some support, you can bring a friend or family member. If you prefer, they can represent you.
All appeals are held in private. We wouldn't expect children to attend the appeal hearings. The appeal is a chance for you to put across your case on behalf of your child.
The appeals panel consists of three independent members. Also attending will be a clerk to the panel, an officer from the council, and the headteacher. No panel member has any connection with the school for which the appeal is being heard.
Following the appeal, the panel will let you know their decision as soon as possible. This decision is binding on the local authority, the school and the parent. You won't be able to apply again for the same school in the same school year unless there's been a significant change in yours or the school's circumstances.
Tips for preparing for an appeal
- Make sure the information you provide is accurate
- Complete all sections of the notice of appeal. If you need an appeals form for a school in another local authority, please contact that authority directly.
- Submit any letter, written reports, documentation or evidence relevant to your case at least seven days before the appeal date.
- Make sure you sign all forms and letters. You may be asked to provide proof of guardianship.
- If you're asked to provide proof of change of address, you can use a tenancy agreement or a solicitor's letter confirming exchange of contract.
- If you're asked to provide documents confirming that your child's registered at your address, you can provide any of the following:
- child benefit book
- information relating to Working Tax Credit/Childcare Tax Credit
- letters from your doctor/dentist/hospital
- child's bank statement
- medical card
Appeal timetables
All appellants must receive at least 10 school days notice of the date of the appeal hearing. You can choose to waive this if you prefer. This means that we may be able to arrange the appeal hearing sooner if we have dates available.
Any additional evidence must be submitted five schools days before the hearing so this can be sent to the appeal panel.
Dates for secondary school appeals (Year 7 - September 2025)
- National offer day: 3 March 2025.
- Deadline for returning notice of appeal: 1 April 2025.
- Appeal hearing notice: 10 school days (you can waive this).
- Deadline for submitting additional evidence: five school days before the appeal hearing.
- Appeal hearing heard (for notices of appeal submitted by the deadline): May to July 2025 (no later than 22 July 2025).
- Appeal decision letter: no later than five school days after the last appeal hearing for that school.
- Notice of appeal submitted after deadline: appeals will be heard where possible, within 40 school days of the deadline for returning (1 April 2025) or 30 school days from the date the notice of appeal was submitted.
Dates for primary school appeals (Reception - September 2025)
- National offer day: 16 April 2025.
- Deadline for returning notice of appeal: 21 May 2025.
- Appeal hearing notice: 10 school days (you can waive this).
- Deadline for submitting additional evidence: five school days before the appeal hearing.
- Appeal hearing heard: May to July 2025 (no later than 22 July 2025).
- Appeal decision letter: no later than five school days after the last appeal hearing for that school.
- Notice of appeal submitted after deadline: appeals will be heard where possible, within 40 school days of the deadline for returning (21 May 2025) or 30 school days from the date the notice of appeal was submitted.
Dates for in-year transfer appeals for the academic year
- Deadline for returning Notice of Appeal: 20 school days from date of refusal letter.
- Appeal hearing: appeal must be heard within 30 school days of the deadline to return.
- Appeal hearing notice: 10 school days (You can waive this).
- Deadline for submitting additional evidence: five school days before the appeal hearing.
- Appeal decision letter: no later than five school days after the hearing.
- Notice of appeal submitted after the deadline: within 30 school days of deadline to return where possible or 30 school days from receipt of notice of appeal.
For more information
Call (01226) 773677 or