School admission arrangements

School admission arrangements set out how schools will admit pupils.

The arrangements include the published admission number (the maximum number of pupils intended to be admitted to the relevant year group), the oversubscription criteria and information on the waiting list for the school.

Admission arrangements must be determined 18 months before the September of the academic year for which they are relevant.

All schools will determine their arrangements each year and will only formally consult every seven years unless there are proposed changes.

Determined admission arrangements for Barnsley schools

We're the admission authority for all community and voluntary controlled schools in the borough. This means that we set the over-subscription criteria and make decisions about which pupils are admitted to these schools.

Governing bodies are the admission authorities for voluntary aided schools and academy trusts are the admission authorities for academies. Details of their individual admission arrangements can be found on their individual websites or by contacting the school directly.

Admission to schools

Admission to schools 2024 to 2025

Admission to schools 2025 to 2026

Admission to schools 2026 to 2027