Barnsley Education Inclusion Services
Who we are
We're a team of professionally trained psychologists, specialist teachers and practitioners. We work with children, young people and families in a wide range of contexts.
What we do
We give advice, training and support. We allow the special educational needs of children and young people to be understood and met.
We work within the graduated approach as outlined in the SEND code of practice. We help educational settings to identify and meet the needs of children and young people with SEN.
For more information
Contact us online
How we're doing
We've had feedback from education settings and parents/carers about how they think we've done in the last academic year.
Feedback from education settings
- 95% agreed or strongly agreed that practitioner involvement supported an increased understanding of children and young people's strengths and needs.
- 100% agreed or strongly agreed that practitioner involvement was effective in identifying support and strategies to build into the setting’s graduated approach.
- 95% agreed or strongly agreed that practitioner involvement increased skills and enhanced confidence to implement provision to meet the needs of the children and young people.
Feedback from parents and carers
- 92% agreed or strongly agreed that practitioner involvement had enabled a good understanding of outcomes for their child and how the outcomes would be supported.
- 88% agreed or strongly agreed that they felt listened to and that their views and experiences were considered.
- 100% who accessed portage felt that involvement had impacted positively on their child’s developmental progress.