
If someone's hurting or abusing you or someone you know, or if you're not being cared for properly, don't keep it to yourself. There are people you can talk to.

If you live in Barnsley, you can speak to one of the social workers in our assessment team during the day. If you need to talk to someone urgently in the evening or over the weekend, you can call our Emergency Duty Team.

You can also call into any police station and ask to speak to any police officer in private, or you can call Childline. In an emergency you should always call 999.

People who can help

Who they are Number to call
Integrated front door
(01226) 772423
Children's emergency duty team
(01226) 787789
Disabled children team
(01226) 774050
0800 1111

Chilypep is a young people's empowerment project. It's dedicated to raising the voices of young people to give them the confidence, influence and platform to shape their world and stay connected. They work with young people in Sheffield, Barnsley, South Yorkshire and beyond.

Working with young people, Chilypep created the Open Up Directory for Barnsley in 2018 and have kept it up to date since. This year they've worked alongside Compass to collect data and create the Open Up interactive map which lists wellbeing and youth work organisations in Barnsley for young people (under 25 years). Find the map of services that can help you in Barnsley.

Struggling with your mental health?

If you're aged 11 to 25, a new digital support website is now available in Barnsley. Check out Kooth to join for free. You can access:

  • Text support from professionals.
  • Resources to help yourself.
  • A discussion board to ask questions and get support from the community.

Other people you can talk to

If you feel threatened or afraid and are worried about talking to a social worker, try talking to someone you know and trust, like a teacher, a learning mentor, a youth worker, a school nurse or even a friend - just talk to someone.  They'll be able to contact the right people to help you.

Useful information

The information below tells you more about how to stay safe and what to do if you're worried about yourself, or someone else. We've included some links to other organisations who can help or give you advice.