About the board
Barnsley Safeguarding Adults Board is the statutory body that brings together organisations like health, GPs, housing, social care, police and fire service to promote wellbeing and reduce the risk of harm for people with care and support needs.
Together, we have a duty of care to make sure that procedures are in place to encourage reporting of suspected abuse, and to take action to stop it.
The board's role is to make sure that those who work to safeguard adults use a joined up and consistent approach to referral, assessment, planning, intervention, and case review of services to people who've been, or who are at risk of being abused.
Find out more in the Barnsley Safeguarding Adults Board terms of reference.
Safeguarding Adults Board minutes
You can view the minutes from our last meeting:
Our promise to adults
If you're an adult who needs protection and support we'll:
- place you at the centre of everything we do
- listen to your views on what we can do to improve your safety
- hold board members to account to make sure we're doing enough to keep you safe
- collect and share information about how well we're keeping you safe and what more we could do
- make sure our workers and volunteers are properly trained
- constantly review and improve our policies and guidance
Members, roles and responsibilities
The purpose of the Safeguarding Adults Board is to help and safeguard adults with care and support needs. Find out about its members, purpose, core duties and principles.
Sub groups
The Safeguarding Adults Board has a number of sub groups that report into the wider board,. Each is tasked with delivering a specific area of safeguarding work.
Strategic plan
All safeguarding adult boards have to produce a strategic plan that sets out what they'll do each year to keep adults safe. We use the plan as a measure to see how well we're doing and what whether we've achieved what we set out to each year.
Safeguarding adult reviews and lessons learned
We undertake this type of review when an adult dies or is seriously harmed as a result of abuse or neglect. From the review, we can see what we did well and things we didn't do so well, and learn from them.
Annual report
The annual report is another document that all safeguarding boards have a duty to produce. It gives an annual update on what we've delivered from our strategic plan. You can read our annual report here.