We're here to listen to your views and share advice on the kinds of help you may need. We give information, support and advice for young people aged 16 to 25.

We can give information and support for:

  • SEND law, legislation and policies
  • SEND support in colleges and other providers of education
  • Preparing for meetings and mediations
  • Advice around Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
  • Signposting to voluntary and other agencies that offer support
  • Support to resolve disagreements and complaints procedures
  • Presentations to support groups to increase knowledge on certain aspects of SEN and disability
  • Preparing for educational transitions
  • Preparing for adulthood
  • SEND tribunal appeals
  • School transport
  • The Local Offer

We work to minimum standards for SENDIASS. Our team are able to support, inform and advise on the basis of legal training and have a detailed knowledge of SEND education law and local policy and practice.

If you'd like to get in touch to discuss a SEND matter please contact us online. We'll be in touch to help and advise you as soon as possible.


IASSN frequently asked questions

If you have questions about the Information, Advice and Support Services Network (IASSN) the following video from the Council for Disabled Children may be able to give you the answers.

Case studies

Browse through our case studies which give examples and demonstrate the support Barnsley SENDIASS are able to provide. 

Mediation and tribunal support

We were contacted directly by a 20 year old female. She got a letter telling her that the EHCP needs assessment she applied for had been refused. She asked us to help her in a mediation meeting with the local authority. She was attending college and was struggling with the academic work.  She felt she needed more SEN support than college were able to provide. Therefore she had applied for an EHCP needs assessment.  

Representing herself with our support in a mediation meeting the local authority maintained their position not to assess her needs. She then asked for our support to apply to the tribunal to appeal the refusal to assess decision.  The local authority then reviewed their initial decision and agreed to assess. 

Help with the annual review of an EHC Plan

A year 13 student, diagnosed ASD and epilepsy had been educated out of the local area in specialist college.  They asked for our help in preparing for and then attending with him to his annual review of his EHC Plan. This involved meeting him in the evening to prepare his views for the review meeting. He was supported during the review meeting to express his views about his provision and describing his aspirations for his future. This young person was successful in gaining further funding to sustain his current placement for the following year. 

Help to access education

A Year 8 student struggling to access education asked for our help. They knew what they wanted and sought our support in meetings between themselves and school. This young person was aware of their feelings but didn't feel valued for those feelings or that their views were appreciated. Working together we have jointly presented these views. 

Help to complete DSA paperwork

A year 13 student who had been diagnosed with ASD, asked for direct support to complete DSA paperwork ready for university. This involved meeting with him working through the paperwork and completing it with him. It required several meetings to go through everything and make sure it was an accurate reflection of him and his needs.  Then to compile it so that it was presented well. The student was successful after applying.

Help getting support at university

A year 13 student, diagnosed with epilepsy, chronic fatigue and mental health challenges asked for support. They needed support getting the right help in place at university. She was struggling to explain these things to her tutors. We met with her and scoped out her challenges and then attended meetings with her to help her articulate her views and help create a better working plan. 

Needs planning

A year 11 pupil at secondary school was about to transition to year 12 at a local college. The young person's parent asked us to support him in a meeting at college to help plan for his needs. We assigned two people to the case, one to help the parent and one to help the young person in their meeting.  

The young person was able to explain their needs alongside their parent. The college made a support plan in readiness for their start of college in the September.

Early help meetings

A year 6 student, diagnosed with ASD/ADHD was struggling at school. She felt that the teachers didn’t listen to her and that they didn’t really understand her needs. We worked with her and her parents to get her views and use these to advocate for her in early help meetings.

IAS officer meetings

A year 6 student, diagnosed with ASD regularly asks to meet with his IAS officer. In these meetings at home we talk using art to discuss his worries. We then share these with his parents to help get ready for meetings at school.