Most children and young people's learning needs can be met by their school or college. This is done using the SEN support stage, or school focussed plan.

At this stage, discussions and meetings between you and the school or college can make sure things remain on-track. This will help your child receive the help they need. 

If more support is needed

Some children and young people might benefit from the support provided through an education, health and care plan (EHCP). If you feel the school are unable to provide the support your child needs, this is a good time to apply for an EHCP. 

You can apply for an EHCP at anytime if you're a:

  • person or service working with a child or young person
  • parent or carer
  • young person aged between 16 and 25

Learn more about the EHCP process below.

How to apply for an EHCP

To apply for an EHCP, you need to ask the council to conduct a special educational needs assessment. There are a number of ways you can request this:

You can also ask your school, college, or any professional (including social workers and family support workers) to help you apply.

We encourage all parties, families and professionals to consider if they're the best people to apply for an EHCP before contacting us. If you feel a school or professional should be helping you to apply, consider submitting a complaint to the school or service involved. We can help you to write this complaint if needed.

If you'd like our support to apply for an EHCP, please contact us.

When you apply for an EHCP

The council will collect information from you, other professionals and the educational setting. This will be used to decide whether to proceed with a needs assessment, or refuse an assessment.

Before a draft plan is issued, you may be asked to give permission for a specialist to conduct an assessment of needs. This usually involves an observation of how your child is able to learn in a classroom environment.

You can find out more about requesting a needs assessment and applying for an EHCP on the EHC needs assessment part of the IPSEA website or from Section 9 of the SEND code of practice.

When you receive a draft EHCP

If the decision from the needs assessment is to issue an EHCP, a draft will be sent to you, the setting and to the EHC team. You'll then have at least 15 calendar days to ask for any changes to the draft plan.

It's important the information in the draft plan is accurate, detailed and specific:

  • Section B should detail what special educational needs a child or young person has.
  • Section F should detail what special educational provision a child or young person needs to meet the needs listed in Section B.

If you feel you need some help at this stage, or would like help to understand the draft EHC plan, please contact us.

You can find more information about the needs assessment and draft EHC plan stage on the what happens in an EHC needs assessment and what to do when you receive your draft EHC plan sections of the IPSEA website, or Section 9 of the SEND code of practice.

How often the ECHP is reviewed

The EHCP must be reviewed every year.

The council is responsible for the annual review process, and the school or college is usually asked to arrange a meeting, inviting:

  • the child or young person
  • the child or young person's family
  • any professionals involved

Your views, wishes and feelings are recorded along with those of your child or young person who's plan it is.

What happens if the plan isn't working

Throughout the year, things can change. You have the right to request an emergency or early review of the EHCP if things aren't going to plan and your child is receiving exclusions or behavioural sanctions, such as detentions.

Usually the EHCP is changed following a review and a new draft EHCP is then issued. Again, you have at least 15 calendar days to respond and ask for changes to be made.

If you'd like any advice on the EHC review process, or if you'd like a case advisor to attend an annual review, please contact us.

More information can be found on the IPSEA changing an EHC plan page or in Section 9 of the SEND code of practice.

How to challenge or appeal a decision (mediation and tribunal)

You can challenge the EHCP decisions made by the EHC team at Barnsley Council via SEND mediation or appealing to the SEND Tribunal.

These decisions can include:

  • when the local authority refuses to assess following a request for a needs assessment or application for an EHCP
  • when the local authority refuses to issue an EHCP following a needs assessment
  • when the local authority refuses to make changes to an EHCP following your requests when the plan is reviewed (known as 'appealing the contents of an EHCP)
  • when the local authority decides to cease an EHCP - for example, this might happen as a young person leaves school to go onto further education at college
  • when a request is made for a particular school, mainstream or specialist, and the local authority names a school or college in Section I that you disagree with

In each instance you'll be sent a decision letter by the council which explains your rights to challenge the decision.

More information can be found on the IPSEA appealing to the SEND tribunal webpage or in Section 9 of the SEND code of practice.

We can support you in challenging decisions, appealing via mediation or tribunal, submitting complaints, and any EHC process. Please contact us for more information.