Education, health and care plans

If a child/young person has special educational needs they may need an education, health and care plan. This is a legal document which states the support that a child/young person needs to make good progress in their education.

Before children and young people are given an education, health and care plan, they will already have been receiving support, known as SEN support, from their school or setting.

In the case of very young children who aren't yet in an educational setting, early support will usually have been provided by a range of agencies working closely with the family.

What is in an education, health and care plan?

This is what an education, health and care plan will look like. The plan is divided into the sections below.  

  • Section A: the views, interests and aspirations of the child and their parents, or of the young person
  • Section B: a description of the child/young person’s special educational needs
  • Section C: child/young person’s health needs
  • Section D: child/young person’s social care needs
  • Section E: the outcomes we want for the child or young person
  • Section F: the special educational provision needed to achieve these outcomes
  • Section G: health provision
  • Section H: social care provision
  • Section I: the name and type of educational placement for the child/young person. Please note, these details are not in a draft plan, only in the final plan.
  • Section J: identifies the funding for the special educational provision
  • Section K: lists the advice and information gathered during the EHC needs assessment

What if I don't agree with the plan?

When you receive the draft education, health and care plan for your child, you'll have 15 days to provide comments and work with your EHC Coordinator to incorporate these into the plan if necessary.

If you don't agree with the contents of the draft plan, you can comment directly in the sections on the online EHC Hub. These comments will be visible by everyone contributing to the case. To provide a confidential comment you can contact the EHC Team on (01226) 773966 to discuss any changes you wish to make.

You can also get independent advice on the plan from Barnsley SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service).  

If you're unable to reach an agreement with us on the contents of the plan, we'll make the plan final so that you can appeal to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (call (01325) 289350 or visit the HM Courts and Tribunals Service website).

Reviewing education, health and care plans

By law an education, health and care plan should be reviewed at least once a year. The plan can be reviewed at other times if there have been significant changes to a child or young person’s needs.