Children in care and care leavers

View our large list of support sources that are available for you.

Alcohol and substance use

If you're using drugs or alcohol and would like help to stop, reduce your use or keep yourself safe whilst using, please speak to your nurse or personal adviser. You can also get support from the following services:

  • If you're under 18 you can access help form the Young Peoples Substance Misuse Team by calling 01226 705980.
  • If you're over 18 you can access help from drug and alcohol services. Please speak to your nurse or personal adviser who can help. 

Find out more information about drug abuse and alcohol misuse.

  • Barnsley Recovery Steps are an integrated drug and alcohol recovery service for Barnsley. Contact Barnsley Recovery Steps on 01226 779066. Address: 5-6 Burleigh Court, Burleigh Street, Barnsley, S70 1XY.

  • NHS substance misuse service deliver a range of substance misuse interventions to help people address their drug and/or alcohol issues. Contact the substance misuse service on 01226 435860. Address: 9-10 Burleigh Court, Burleigh Street, Barnsley, S70 1XY.

Sexual violence support groups

  • Barnsley Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Services is the only group in Barnsley offering specialist services to people whose lives have been affected by rape, sexual abuse, sexual assault or any kind of sexual violence. They work with women, men, children and young people who live in the Barnsley area.

    For more information contact BSARCS on 01226 320140. You can also call the national helplines for women on 0808 802 9999 or for men on 0808 800 5005.

  • IDAS is the largest specialist charity in Yorkshire supporting people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence. Contact the North Yorkshire and Barnsley helpline on 03000 110 110.

Care leavers as parents

Barnsley early help offer universal or targeted services based on an individual's needs, which is identified through an early help assessment of the whole family. Parents may self-refer for universal services or to access information, guidance and signposting.

For children, young people and families who face more challenges and may have multiple needs, targeted services provide additional capacity and expertise to address their needs. A programme of targeted group provision and one to one support is available through our family hubs.

Find out more about the Families Information Service or contact 0800 0345 340.

Tiny Tots College is coming to Barnsley

Tiny Tots College is located in Barnsley and provides care experienced people with an opportunity to develop their own methods of parenting. This focused parenting support operates in small cohorts of 15 people over 24 sessions. Parents will explore the pre-birth stages of pregnancy, and child development to aid school readiness.

Another aspect of the programme is six hours creating a live support group where young people can come together, learn from each other, and meet successful parents who have overcome the odds.

Care experienced parents to be would benefit from this programme and is appropriate for any care experienced parent who has been in care for 48 hours or longer during their childhood and adolescent years. They'll need to commit to two hours a week of sessions over a 24-week period.

Every session has three key components to ensure we're giving parents developmental time. Our program is 50 percent theoretical and 50 percent practical. Our practical elements of the sessions are referred to as exploration stations, where parents get the chance to practice what they've learnt at the end of the session. we ask our parents to commit to our flight time which occurs between the live sessions. We ask parents to commit to 30 minutes each week where they try new activities from our resources centre or create their own, which we'll talk about at the start of the sessions.

For information please talk to your personal adviser.


If you'd like to talk to someone about your options and find out what childcare is available in your area, contact the Families Information Service on 0800 0345 340.

Homelessness support groups

  • Help 4 Homeless Veterans - Housing and accommodation for ex-armed forces and veterans based in South Yorkshire. Contact Help 4 Homeless on 01226 727059. Address: 105 Grange Road, Royston, Barnsley S71 4LG.

  • Barnsley Churches drop-in run a drop-in three times a week providing hot and cold food and drinks to the homeless, people with alcohol dependency, substance users and the people in poverty in Barnsley. Contact Barnsley Churches drop-in on 01226 321877.

  • The Housing Options team can provide advice, help and support for anyone who is homeless, could become homeless in the near future or has a housing problem they need to resolve. Contact the Housing Options team on 01226 773870. Freephone 0808 196 3530 or email

  • Barnsley foodbank offers support with food and supplies. Call Barnsley foodbank on 07741 414810.

Domestic abuse

IDAS is the largest specialist charity in Yorkshire supporting anyone experiencing or affected by domestic abuse or sexual violence. Their services include refuge accommodation, community based support, peer mentoring, group work and access to a free, confidential out of hours helpline.

For more information contact:

  • Barnsley IDAS office on 01226 320112
  • Domestic abuse helpline on 0300 011 0110
  • Rape support line on 0300 111 0777

Family, carer and young parent support

  • Barnsley's Families Information Service (FIS) provides free and confidential information and advice. You can use the FIS to help you:
    • apply for support to help to pay for childcare.
    • find Ofsted registered childcare.
    • find fun things to do including local clubs or activities.
    • support you with employment advice.
    • find out about childcare career choices, including how to become a childminder.
    • get advice for young people with SEND..

      Contact the FIS on 0800 0345 340, email

  • Barnsley family hubs offer services for families from pre-birth up to 19 years of age (25 if the young person has a disability). The offer varies in each community, but you can access any of our family hubs regardless of where you live.

    Through groups, activities and more the service can support your children to be ready for and thrive in school, support parents and carers to develop their parenting skills, support families to build resilience, support with healthy lifestyles and provides the opportunity to meet other families and share experiences. Contact Barnsley family hubs on 0800 0345 240 or email

  • Beacon South Yorkshire provides a range of services supporting carers across South Yorkshire who are caring for people with disabilities, mental health, dementia, substance misuse, or who are elderly. Contact Beacon on 01226 814012. Address: 19 Doncaster Road, Barnsley, S70 1TH.

  • Barnardo’s give young carers extra support to make sure their caring responsibilities don't stop them from learning, staying healthy or enjoying their childhood. Contact Barnardo's on 01226 770619.

  • Barnsley Carers Service is a free-to-access service to support you in your role as an unpaid carer. Location: Priory Campus, Pontefract Road, S71 5PN. Contact Barnsley Carers Service on 01226 288772.

  • Family Lives offer support you're pregnant or a new mum and live in the central Barnsley area. Family Lives can support you and your family through the ups and downs of family life. Contact Family Lives on 07971 253308 or email

Mental health services

If you're concerned about your mental health you can ask for help from the mental health service. Your GP may also refer you to a mental health team for support. GPs and are open between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. For more information contact 01226 645000.

Find out more about services in Barnsley that provide support on emotional wellbeing.

  • Rotherham and Barnsley Mind is an independent local provider of high-quality mental health services in Rotherham, Barnsley and it's surrounding areas. Contact Mind on 01226 211188. Address: Arcadia House, 72 Market Street, Barnsley. 

  • Barnsley Recovery Steps is a people-led charity that uses creativity to support recovery, boost wellbeing and bring about social change in Barnsley and across Yorkshire. Contact Barnsley Recovery Steps on 01226 805885

  • Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide often through their telephone helpline. Contact Samaritans on 116 123. Address: 77 Pitt Street West, Barnsley, S70 1BN.

  • NHS Barnsley Talking Therapies aims to improve access to psychological therapy and recovery focussed treatment for people with mild to moderate anxiety and depression. Contact the NHS mental health team on 01336 644900. Address: Mental Health Access Team, Rose Tree Avenue, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8UA.

  • OASIS (Opening up Awareness and Support and Influencing Services) is a group based in Barnsley that aims to empower young people to shape mental health services. The group meets every Thursday from 5pm to 7pm at Horizon College and discuss campaign ideas, awareness posters and put together their own mental health first aid kit. For more information email

Sexual health

Spectrum Integrated Sexual Health Service provides all methods of contraception, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing and support, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections.

They're located in Gateway Plaza, Sackville Street, Barnsley, S70 2RD. 

Find out more about Spectrum or call 0800 055 6442. 

Targeted youth services

In Barnsley we want all young people to fulfil their true potential and to have a bright future. Our Targeted Youth Support Service works with young people aged 11 to 18 years (and up to 25 years where there are additional needs) to provide targeted interventions for young people either on a one to one basis or as part of a group or project.

Through early help or the early identification of an issue, our service can offer a range of universal and targeted support to reduce or prevent problems or issues from escalating, brokering in the right support at the right time to meet young people’s needs.

Our support can cover a range of issues including:

  • building self-esteem, confidence and resilience.
  • general well being.
  • lower level mental health support.
  • work to understand feelings, emotions and associated behaviours.
  • promoting positive social and peer relationships.
  • family relationships.
  • risk-taking behaviours such as sex, drugs, and alcohol.
  • risk of homelessness.
  • personal safety (CSE, CCE, online safety, healthy relationships).
  • personal and social development (signposting to find work, education and training opportunities and building life and work readiness).
  • preventing offending behaviour.
  • preventing school exclusion.
  • giving children and young people a voice.

Our communities team provides building based, detached and outreach youth services for young people whose needs cannot always be met by family or universal service provision. We have six youth centres known as our ‘I Know I Can (IKIC)’ buildings which are in the following areas of Barnsley:

  • Penistone
  • Wombwell
  • The Dearne
  • Town centre
  • Cudworth

Through these centres, we deliver targeted twilight and evening youth provision along with detached and outreach sessions where there is an identified need within the community. The communities team offer bespoke programmes often in partnership with other agencies or service to meet young people's needs within the community. Our service offer is predominantly based on group work practice and intervention and programmes are delivered focusing on a theme or issue.

For more information on our services and support offer contact the Wombwell IKIC young people’s centre on 01226 753406.

Youth offending team

The youth justice service are currently community-based, with access to multiple council locations across the borough, including Wombwell IKIC. The service can be contacted on 01226 774986. 

Youth council

There are lots of opportunities for young people in Barnsley to get involved and have a say in how services are delivered, and our team of youth voice and participation workers are creative in actively encouraging young people to exercise their rights and participate in the decision making processes.

We have several forums in Barnsley that promote a cause or common issue. Barnsley’s youth council is the borough’s overarching body which comprises a group a local people who are formally elected by their peers to represent their views locally, regionally and nationally. The youth council work closely with us as well as other service providers to ensure that young people’s views are represented and considered when services or facilities are being designed or changed. 

The youth council is a group of local young people who are elected by their peers every two years to represent the views of all other young people living in the borough, at a local, regional and national level. Youth council members are elected to represent the voice of all children and young people in Barnsley, the school or college that they attend, and the area in which they live.

The youth council works closely with the Care 4 Us council and Barnsley Council in order to make sure that young people’s voices are heard in decisions that affect their lives. They're supported by participation workers from the Targeted Youth Support Service and members of the youth council are elected to represent Barnsley in the United Kingdom Youth Parliament and our young people are also represented in shaping the future for Barnsley through the Sheffield City region. They attend regional meetings and national events, including an annual debate in the House of Commons

Find out more about Barnsley's youth council

Young person’s support groups

  • Barnsley Youth Offending Team works to identify suitable programmes to address the needs of young people with the intention of preventing further offending. Contact Barnsley Youth Offending team on 01226 774986. Address: Crookes Street, Pontefract Road, Lundwood, S70 6BX. 

  • Barnsley’s Young Person’s Service offers advice and support for any young person with an alcohol or substance misuse issue. Call 01226 705980. Address: McLintocks Building, first floor, YOT, Crookes Street, S70 6BQ.