Enterprise Adviser Network

The Enterprise Adviser Network aims to connect businesses and employers to schools across Barnsley. The aim is to help prepare young people for their future careers. We work together to provide an in-depth careers education programme for students and young people in Barnsley.

The network is facilitated by the National Careers and Enterprise Company, and locally is supported by our enterprise coordinator, based at Barnsley Council.

What is an enterprise adviser?

An enterprise adviser is a business professional who comes from any industry sector and is either employed, self-employed or recently employed. These volunteers dedicate some of their time to working within the network to achieve positive change in local schools’ and colleges’ careers programmes, using core skills including relationship building and being analytical.

What does an enterprise adviser do?

An Enterprise Adviser helps support pathways into your industry and shape young people's futures bridging the gap between the world of work and education. They work with a school or college to strategically develop their careers and enterprise plan and create opportunities for young people.

Their role is to provide an employer's perspective on how a school or college can embed labour market information and opportunities into the careers programme and engage with local businesses and employers to facilitate a variety of careers opportunities at the heart of young people's education.

What are the benefits for businesses? 

Two-thirds of businesses have reported concerns over the lack of skilled people to fill roles within their business in the coming years. The Enterprise Adviser Network is here to build the talent pipeline for your industry and business, by preparing young people for work and showing them the opportunities available in Barnsley.

I don’t have the time to be an enterprise advisor, can I still get involved? 

If you work for a SME (small to medium sized enterprise), joining the Business Education Alliance is a great way to get involved and work with schools to share your experience and expertise.