
When you’ve decided on the date and venue for your ceremony, you both need to give notice of your intention to marry or form a civil partnership. The notice is a legal statement signed by you. You need to give notice at the register office of the district where you live. You must have lived there for at least seven consecutive days. You can find a register office on GOV.UK. You each have to pay a fee to give notice. See our registration charges for details.

If you're marrying in the Church of England or Church in Wales, you don't need to give notice of marriage at the register office. The vicar will deal with all the legal requirements, including the reading of banns or issue of a Common Licence.

When you can give notice

You can give notice when you're within 12 months of the date of your marriage or civil partnership, but no later than 29 days before the date. Your ceremony must take place within 12 months of giving notice.

If you don't give notice of your marriage or civil partnership your ceremony can't go ahead.

Booking your appointment to give notice

If you both live in Barnsley you need to attend Barnsley Register Office together to give notice. If one of you lives in another district, they’ll need to give notice at their own local register office.

You can book your appointment to give notice online. You'll have 30 minutes to fill in the online form. If you don't complete your booking in this time you'll lose your chosen slot.

Book an appointment to give notice