
If you're in a same-sex civil partnership you can convert this to a marriage. You can do this with or without having a ceremony.

You'll need to attend an appointment together at the register office. We’ll draw up a legal declaration for you both to sign. If you want, you can say the declaration wording aloud to one another before you both sign the document. Your marriage will then be registered. You’ll get a marriage certificate which is dated from when your civil partnership was formed.

See our registration charges for details of the fees.

Conversion ceremonies

You can choose to have a ceremony to celebrate your marriage after you've finished the paperwork. You can have this at:

  • Barnsley Town Hall
  • an approved venue
  • a religious building or other place registered for same-sex marriages

We'll issue your marriage certificate after your ceremony.

See our registration charges for details of ceremony fees.

Convert your civil partnership to a marriage

You can request to convert your civil partnership to a marriage online. Please tell us in the online form if you'd also like to have a ceremony, as well as your preferred date and venue for this.

When we receive your request we'll contact you to book your appointment.

Request a conversion to a marriage


Documents you need to provide

You’ll need to bring the following original documents to your appointment:

  • proof of your name and date of birth (current passport or birth certificate)
  • proof of your address (a recent Council Tax or utility bill)
  • your original civil partnership certificate