How non-dependants affect your benefit

A non-dependant is often any adult (over 18 years) who lives with you and isn't your partner. This could be a son, daughter, relative or friend.

The amount of benefit you get may be affected if you have a non-dependant living with you. This is if you claim Council Tax Support or Housing Benefit. It's called a non-dependant deduction.

It shows the amount the government expects them to pay towards your housing costs and Council Tax.

We take a set weekly amount off your benefit based on the non-dependant’s income. The more that they earn, the higher the deduction will be. If you're of working age, there isn't a deduction made from any Council Tax Support you get.

You need to let us know if there are any changes that relate to your non-dependant. Things such as a change of job or their earnings will affect your deduction. You can use our online form to tell us about a change.

Non-dependant deductions for Council Tax Support

These are the deductions for Council Tax Support for the period 2024-25. They are only made if you're pensionable age. There are no deductions if you're working age.

Deductions if aged 18 or over and in paid work, or in receipt of Universal Credit with earned income working 16+ hours

Gross income per week Weekly deduction
£554 or more £15.10
£445 to £553.99 £12.60
£256 to £444.99 £10.05
Less than £256 £4.90

Other deductions

Criteria Weekly deduction   
Aged 18 or over not in paid work £4.90
Aged 18 or over in receipt of Pension Credit, Income Support,
Jobseeker's Allowance (income based) or Employment and Support Allowance (income related)
In receipt of Universal Credit with no earned income Nil
In receipt of Universal Credit with earned income working less than 16 hours £4.90

Non-dependant deductions for Housing Benefit

These are the deductions for Housing Benefit for the period 2024-25.

Deductions if aged 18 or over and in paid work, or in receipt of Universal Credit with earned income working 16+ hours

Gross income per week Weekly deduction
£554 or more £124.55
£445 to £553.99 £113.50
£334 to £444.99 £99.65
£256 to £333.99 £60.95
£176 to £255.99 £44.40
Less than £176 £19.30

Other deductions

Criteria Weekly deduction
Aged 18 or over not in work £19.30
Aged 25 and over on Income Support, Jobseeker's Allowance (income based) or Employment and Support Allowance (income related) (assessment phase only) £19.30

Aged 24 and under on Income Support, Jobseeker's Allowance (income based) or Employment and Support Allowance (income related) (assessment phase only)


Any age on Employment and Support Allowance (income related) (main phase only)


In receipt of Pension Credit

In receipt of Universal Credit with no earned income Nil
Aged 25 and over with no earned income £19.30
In receipt of Universal Credit with earned income working less than 16 hours £19.30

Exceptions to non-dependant deductions

We don't take any deductions for non-dependants where:

  • you or your partner get Attendance Allowance
  • you or your partner are registered blind
  • you or your partner get the care component of Disability Living Allowance
  • you or your partner receive the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment
  • the non-dependant's a full time student, or on a youth training scheme
  • the non-dependant's in hospital for 52 weeks or more
  • in some cases the non-dependant receives Income Support, Jobseeker's Allowance (income based), Universal Credit or Savings Credit