If your Council Tax account is in credit, you can claim a refund by filling in our online form.
We’ll only refund your credit if you don’t owe us any further amounts of Council Tax.
If you move to another address in Barnsley, we’ll transfer any credit to your new account.
If your account goes into credit due to an adjustment to your balance, a bill will be issued in confirmation. The bill will detail the credit amount and advise you to complete the online form on our website.
If your account goes into credit due to an overpayment we may email or text you if we have your details. We'll advise you of the credit and again give the link to the online form. We may also provide a telephone number for you to call should you prefer to speak to a member of the team. The email will be sent from an '@barnsley.gov.uk' email account.
If you do prefer to speak to someone you can call our helpline on 01226 787787 and select option 2.