Adult social care
Carer support groups and organisations
Barnsley Carers Service
Barnsley Carers Service deliver a range of support to unpaid carers. This support includes:
- information and advice
- one-to-one support
- group support
- drop-in/peer support
- free complimentary therapies
- events and activities
- volunteering opportunities
- help with obtaining carer's grant funding
You can contact them directly to find out how they can support you:
- phone 01226 288772
- email
- visit Barnsley Carers Service on Facebook
Live Well Barnsley
The Live Well Barnsley website contains information and contact details about all types of services and activities that can help you look after yourself, the person you care for, and get involved in your community. Find a service on Live Well Barnsley.
More support for carers
Local support services
Alzheimer’s Society
Alzheimer's Society is the UK’s leading dementia charity.
- Phone 01226 296301
- Email
Barnardo’s young carers and sibling support service
Barnardo's aim to help as many young carers as they can, by helping them look after their loved ones and giving them time to enjoy their childhoods.
- Phone 01226 770619
- Email
Beacon South Yorkshire Carer Support
Beacon South Yorkshire provides a range of services for family and friends who care for their loved ones. Their services are designed to support carers supporting people with substance misuse, disabilities, mental health, dementia, or those who are elderly.
- Phone 01226 814012
- Email
Barnsley Independent Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support (BIADS)
BIADS is an organisation formed by Barnsley people to provide support to those who have any form of dementia, as well as to their families and friends.
- Phone 01226 280057
- Email
Crossroads Caring for Carers
Crossroads Caring for Carers is a charity providing support services to carers and the people they care for across the Barnsley borough.
- Phone 01226 731094
- Email or
Dementia Friendly Barnsley
Dementia Friendly Barnsley signposts people to dementia services and dementia-related activities in the borough.
- Phone 0808 196 3692
- Email
DIAL Barnsley
DIAL are a local charity supporting disabled people, their families and carers in Barnsley.
- Phone 01226 240273
- Email
Digital resources
If you're looking after a family member, loved one or a friend you can access a range of digital resources for carers.
We've joined up with Carers UK to give unpaid carers in Barnsley access to a wide range of digital tools and essential resources that may help make your caring situation easier. The online platform offers self-help information and resources including:
- About Me - building resilience for carers: an e-learning resource that helps carers identify and build networks of support and promotes their self-care.
- Jointly: a care co-ordination app for people sharing care.
- The role of good nutrition when caring for someone: an e-learning course that aims to help carers understand the role of nutrition both for themselves as well as the person they are looking after.
- Upfront guide to caring: a simple assessment tool to guide people new to caring or seeking support for the first time to navigate the Carers UK website.
- Looking after someone - carer's rights guide: helps carers understand their rights as a carer and where to go for financial or practical help.
- Learning for living: an e-learning resource designed to help carers recognise the transferable skills they have gained through their caring journey, to boost their confidence at work.
- Young adult carers: an e-learning resource for young adult carers now in adult services including, for example, advice and information for making choices about caring, and support in and about education and work.
- Thinking ahead: a questionnaire style tool to help people think about the costs of caring including, for example understanding how it may affect pensions, potential costs of professional care and residential care.
To create an account and get free access to all the products and support resources, visit Carers UK Digital Resources and use our Barnsley access code DGTL3300.
Employer support for carers
It's important that employers recognise unpaid carers in their workforce. Around one in seven employees will also be carers, combining their caring role with paid work.
Carers should be able to work in an environment that supports them. This can be achieved through formal policies and procedures, or informal arrangements with the support and understanding of colleagues and managers.
To support working carers they need to have an understanding employer and flexible working arrangements. There are some simple steps that employers can take to reduce the feelings of isolation, stress and anxiety that carers experience and to ensure that they're able to balance work with their caring responsibilities:
- Promote details of local services in the area and connect them to support available both in the workplace and externally.
- Introduce and promote flexible working policies.
- Introduce paid care leave so that carers aren't forced to take annual leave for caring emergencies.
- Set up or encourage staff to set up a carers' staff network, to connect carers to each other.
- When you're recruiting, be aware that candidates may have gained valuable skills as carers such as managing direct payments, and complex scheduling such as coordinating a range of professionals.
Employers for Carers digital resource
We've teamed up with Carers UK to offer SMEs and health partners with a responsibility or interest in supporting carers in the workforce access to the Employers for Carers online platform. The platform includes useful resources such as:
- guides for managers and carers
- e-learning for inductions and line managers
- advice and information on the law
- employer tool kits to help organisations develop carer-friendly practices
- advice and information on good practice, including useful resources
It also includes a short dementia toolkit to help employers support their staff who are juggling work with caring for someone with dementia.
You can sign up to Employers for Carers using code #EFC3300 to access the range of resources to help you support the carers in your workforce.
Working and supporting someone's health or care
The GOV.UK Job Help website can help you find support if you're working and supporting someone's health or care.
Other useful support
Adfam is a national charity tackling the effects of alcohol, drug use or gambling on family members and friends.
Carers UK
Carers UK are a national charity providing expert information and advice tailored to carer's situations, championing their rights, and supporting them in finding new ways to manage at home, at work, or wherever they are.
Carers Trust
Carers Trust is a charity for, with and about carers. They work to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, unpaid, for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems.
24-hour mental health helpline
The 24-hour mental health helpline offers a listening ear, emotional support and guidance to adults with new or existing mental health conditions. It also provides information, advice and support to carers. Phone 0800 183 0558.
For Barnsley Carers Service
Call 01226 288772