Adult social care
If you've been in hospital or had a period of illness you may need some help to regain living skills, confidence and independence to live at home. Our reablement service may be able to help you.
We provide short-term support to give you advice and guidance to help you to complete day-to-day activities safely. This will help you so you can still do the things that are important to you.
We may provide you with items of equipment or advise you about suitable assistive living technology (telecare) such as pendant alarms, that would help you to live independently.
Our team is made up of an occupational therapist, practitioners and support workers who will provide support and monitor your progress.
You can find more about how we can help in the videos below:
The people we support
About the reablement service
Our team members
Support worker
Occupational therapist
Working with us
A referral can be made by a hospital team after a hospital stay, or from the voluntary and community sector if you've stayed in your own home.
We'll talk to you about the things that are vital to you and where you might need to regain your skills to do these things with more confidence. The service you get will be tailored to your needs.
What happens when your support is complete
During your period of reablement we'll talk to you about any ongoing care and support needs you may still have. We may then refer you to other services that will be useful for you.
You can also find a service on Live Well Barnsley if you'd like to search for support services yourself.
More information
Our reablement service is registered with the Care Quality Commission, which means we have quality inspections. You can read our latest inspection report on the Care Quality Commission website.
If you're interested in working in our reablement service you can find more on our Proud to Care webpages.
For more information
Contact us online or call us on 01226 773300