Adult social care

Become a PA


PAs are usually employed by people who are directing their own care. This could be through a direct payment or personal budget from the council, or if they're funding their own support.

Employing a PA and agreeing the services they want gives the person full control over their own life. When employing their own PA in this way, the person is known as an 'individual employer'.

PAs can choose to work for just one person or for a number of people. Individual employers have employer’s liability insurance. Where necessary, they're also registered with HMRC. The employer should also offer any training needed to do the duties required.

The role of a PA

The role of a PA is very flexible depending on the needs of the person and the details in their support plan. You could work part or full-time, and on different days and times. It can suit lots of people, including those who only want to work a few hours a week or who want to support more than one person. 

Duties of a PA can include:

  • Personal care. Such as help with feeding, bathing, using the toilet, and mobility. It could also involve bed making, checking and recording temperature, etc. Some tasks will need training from the employer before the PA is able to do them.
  • Healthcare tasks. For example: catheter management, the giving of medicines.
  • Support to help independent living. Such as cooking meals, health and safety, cleaning and shopping. It also may include social and leisure activities, going to appointments, helping with pets and in the garden. The duties will help with the overall comfort and wellbeing of the person.
  • Supporting the person while at work.
  • Supporting personal activities, such as accessing social groups.
  • Helping a person to achieve their goals.
  • Completing detailed records of any tasks completed with the person.

Register to become a PA

If you'd like to register to become a PA and be added to our database, email us at or call (01226) 772425.

Benefits of being a PA

  • Our training for PAs can be accessed free of charge through your employer. Completing this shows you’re committed to and have evidence of adhering to high professional standards in social care. This gives you a distinct advantage over others.
  • We can make you aware of other employers looking for help in your area.