Adult social care
We all have mental health just like we have physical health. Talking about mental health doesn't have to be scary. It's simply our emotional, cognitive and social wellbeing. We should all take steps to look after our mental health as it affects how we think, feel and act.
If you or someone you care for needs more support with their mental health, there are a range of groups and services that can help.
Mental health services
If you're concerned about your mental health, or that of a family member or friend, you can ask for help from a mental health service.
Crisis support
If you need help for a mental health crisis or emergency, you should get immediate expert advice and assessment.
Barnsley Talking Therapies
Free, confidential support for people dealing with a range of mental health conditions.
Recovery and Wellbeing College
Courses and workshops aimed at improving wellbeing through learning, helping to overcome the challenges that we can all face at times in our lives.
Dementia support
Information and advice, including how to reduce the risk of developing dementia, how to get help, and local support services.
The Mental Capacity Act
The Mental Capacity Act protects the interests of vulnerable people who need to make key decisions.
Find a mental health service
The Live Well Barnsley directory includes a range of local services that can help support your good mental health.