Barnsley Adult Skills and Community Learning

If you think one of the below statements applies to you and can provide evidence of this, the chances are you won't need to pay the fee for the course you are interested in.

For courses at level 2 and below

  • Earning less than £21,255.00 annual gross salary as evidenced on pay slip/contract.
  • In receipt of Universal credit. You're the sole adult in the benefit claim with take-home pay as recorded on your UC statement (not including UC payments and other benefits) less than £345 a month.
  • In receipt of Universal credit. Named on a joint benefit claim with your partner with take-home pay as recorded on UC statement (not including UC payments and other benefits) less than £552 a month.
  • In receipt of Employment Support Allowance
  • In receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance (including National Insurance credits only).
  • In receipt of another state benefit. You're the sole adult in the claim with take-home pay not including benefits less than £345 a month. You're 24 or over, want to be employed, or progress into better employment and we agree the course you want to do is directly relevant to your employment prospects.
  • In receipt of another state benefit. Named on a joint benefit claim with partner with take home pay not including benefits less than £552 a month. You're 24 or over, want to be employed, or progress into better employment and we agree the course you want to do is directly relevant to your employment prospects.
  • Aged 19-23 and accessing learning below level 2 as a step into a first full level 2 qualification
  • Aged 19-23, unemployed and already have a full level 2, but wish to undertake a further level 2 qualification
  • Aged 19-23 and currently taking your first full level 2 qualification.
  • Released on temporary licence, and not funded by the Ministry of Justice
  • Ukrainians arriving in the UK under the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine).

If none of the statements above apply to you, you may still be able to get a reduction on any course fee if you're in receipt of a means tested benefit such as:

  • Working tax credit
  • Income Support
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council Tax support (excluding single person allowance)
  • Carers Allowance
  • Pension Credit
    Universal Credit (but none of the above statements apply)

For most of the statements above you'll need to provide evidence by doing at least one of the following things.

For courses above level 2

You may not need to pay a fee if you are:

  • Aged 19-23 and currently taking your first full level 3 qualification.
  • Aged 24 or over, without a full level 3 qualification and accessing a level 3 course funded through the Free Courses for Jobs offer.
  • Aged 24 or over, unemployed or low waged with a full level 3 qualification and accessing a level 3 course funded through the "Free Courses for Jobs" offer.

Our current Free Courses for Jobs offer is limited to the level 3 diploma for the early years workforce (early years educator) and the level 3 diploma in adult care.