Adult Skills and Community Learning
Course content
This course aims to provide you with knowledge and understanding of babies and young children, from birth to seven years of age. Applied knowledge will be in the early years - from 0 to 5 years of age. Completion of this course will result in you achieving the Level 2 diploma for the early years practitioner. This meets the DfE level 2 full and relevant criteria for a level 2 early years practitioner in the workforce.
This course is ideal if you're wanting to work in an early years setting. On successful completion, you'll be able to enter the workforce as a qualified level 2 early years practitioner.
You're required to find a work placement for this course. This should be in an early years setting for a minimum of 186 hours. There should be a range of children from birth to 5 years old A DBS check will be carried out before you're permitted into settings.
This course will enable you to:
- Work well alongside others to support children to learn and develop.
- Be able to practice as a key worker in early years provision.
- Understand the early years framework.
- Know how to plan for the children to learn and develop.
- Develop your own personal and work related reflective practice.
- Build a portfolio of evidence and tutor assessment of your skills, knowledge and ability.
- Apply for employment .
- Achieve a nationally recognised level 2 for the early years workforce (early years educator).
- Provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to progress onto higher levels of study.
You'll also develop your skills for work by:
- Working as part of a team to share your ideas and complete tasks.
- Planning your own work and completing it within a timeframe.
- Listening to and following instructions.
- Gaining basic digital skills and confidence using office packages.
- Learning to adapt the way you work when things change, or if you need to switch to a different task quickly.
- Being resilient and having the ability to stick with a task. Even if things don’t go to plan you should learn from any setbacks.
- Improving your literacy, numeracy and digital skills.
Course delivery
Classroom based delivery with blended learning
The duration of the course is 36 weeks in total. This includes 3.5 hours classroom delivery per week over 28 weeks. There are also three placement visits and personal tutorials totalling no more than 20 hours.
The course will include:
- Sole research, tasks and assignments. Support will be provided by the tutor in sessions.
- Sole and group activities through the course.
- Some sole working will be needed after sessions.
- Continued tutor support via Teams for Education.
Expectations and support
- You'll be required to source your own placement in an early years setting of your choice.
- You'll attend your placement one full day or two half days. This is term time negotiable between you and your placement.
- You'll create an online portfolio over the course to evidence your knowledge.
- Your portfolio will include a minimum of two visits carried out by your class tutor in the workplace.
- You'll be expected to complete reflective accounts of your learning. This should include the impact it has had on you and your work.
- In class support will be achieved through activities, discussion and tutor feedback.
- You'll also receive class materials via Teams for Education and a textbook to support your learning.
- Assignment briefs will be used to give further guidance.
- General group discussions will take place.
What you need
- A mobile phone, tablet, laptop or computer (with a webcam and sound). Internet to access any agreed online or tutorial sessions (desirable). We'll work with you if you don't have access to this equipment.
- Access to a laptop, desktop or like to complete your work (desirable). During your time on the course you'll be given access to Office 365 to support the completion on your assignment work.
- Notebook and pen for classes.
- A placement in an early years setting.
- Time and commitment to complete tasks set outside of class and attend placements.
- Your attendance both in class and in placement must be a minimum of 85% overall. Ideally this should be 100%.
- A DBS check. This will be carried out by us prior to you starting your placement.
- If you're already employed in a setting, you can use your workplace as your placement.
Entry requirements
You'll have already completed the following with us:
- Information, advice and guidance session and an initial assessment on the BKSB software.
- A level 1 or equivalent in English and maths, and be willing to work towards level 2.
- A placement secured in an early years setting. If you're already employed in school or college in this role, this will be classed as your placement.
- Confidence in using emails and Microsoft packages, eg Word, PowerPoint and One Drive (desirable). A short course is available to upskill you in these areas if needed.
Course fees
The cost of the course is £816. This includes your tuition, DBS check, textbook and awarding organisation fees. This can be paid monthly via Direct Debit over the duration of your course.
You may be entitled to fee remission/fee reduction depending on your personal situation. Contact us for more details.
How to apply
- Contact us online
- Call us on (01226) 775270
- Email us at
- Like us on Facebook and send us a message
Progression routes include:
- Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner (Level 3)
- Diploma in Supporting Teaching and Learning (Level 3)
- Employment in this field
For more information
Call (01226) 775270
What our learners say
I have gained more confidence attending this course, as I have been speaking in class more and being able to work in a team with my peers.
I enjoyed doing the development timeline assignment as it gives you an insight into how and why a child behaves due to the stage of their development.
I have gained more confidence attending this course, as I have been speaking in class more and being able to work in a team with my peers.